Funniest female/male on this board

Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames
I'd say Soul4Raziel. I would name more, but I'd too damn lazy. So cheer, boast, prance around naked, and run with the deer, S4R, you get my vote.

Kittarin...I was beginning to think that Final Fantasy was "uncool" on this board. Will you be the Aeris to my Cloud? heh. Seriously, though, great game. I have to say, though, Final Fantasy X is shaping up to be even better.

Nah! Morningrise's avatar is Zidane from FF9, and some other guy (forgot his name) has Sephiroth as an avatar.
Kittarin...I was beginning to think that Final Fantasy was "uncool" on this board. Will you be the Aeris to my Cloud? heh. Seriously, though, great game. I have to say, though, Final Fantasy X is shaping up to be even better.

I love your avatar! I'm such a girl - i totally fell in love with Cloud when playing the game. :lol:

Yeah, lots of FF fans on here. Haven't played FFX yet, but i intend to take over my boyfriend's PS2 for awhile once i buy it! :grin:
Originally posted by Kittarin

Yeah, lots of FF fans on here. Haven't played FFX yet, but i intend to take over my boyfriend's PS2 for awhile once i buy it! :grin:

I've noticed too, there are a lot of FF players here...I wonder what the connection is?:confused:

I haven't been on long enough to notice individual idiosyncrasies (well, maybe some ;) ), but I would say most of the 'regular' posters enjoy a similar vein of humour. Some are a bit more eccentric than others, but it is always a refreshing and original eccentricity that permeates.

Love the avatars and faces (wish I knew how to make them :bah: )
I noticed the rpg thing among metalers i have a theory. Rpgs are a game that for some reason targets and sells in a very specific sector of the poblation: the socially inadecuate individual, better known as geek. The level of sofistication of the games its obiously meant for people with a superior intellect, and a superior intellect often goes with a not so superior social ability. ( Note that this is not universal by all means, im not shure it should be necesary to state so but then again some people could take it as a personal attack because you know im such a sweetie with people ).

So far i see alot of this characteristic patrons of behavior and individual cualities amongs Metal Fans too, so it should be no surprise that both worlds collide in the same type of person giving birth to the Power Metal genre. (j/k). But seriosly, to me it certainly has something to do with the fact that a more than average share of metalheads its also into rpg games.
When I hear RPG, I still think the actual tabletop RPG games..

And I think there IS a connection! Dungeons and Dragons makes you worship the devil, so in turn, you get into metal, which is also devil worship. You only complete your worshipfulness when you have consumed the skull full of goat's blood. Now get drinking!

The funniest person on the board.. I'd say Satori and Lee_B - And where is this fabled Mikael picture??? I think I must have missed it when I was home for the holidays..
When i think funny, the all around funny in general kind of funny (if that makes sense), i think OYO.....but then S4R, Satori, Hearse, Hoser...and on and on...

The thing that stuck in my head with OYO was that pic of him holding the smiley face drawing in front of his face and waving silly.