funny joke


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
a boy was in the living room doing his homework... and he comes across a problem..the question was, whats the difference between potentially and reality. the young boy goes into the kitchen and asks his dad " dad whats the difference between potentially and reality?" and the father thinks for a minute and says " son, i want you to run upstairs and ask your mother if she would sleep with the mailman for a million dollars" so the boy does that and the mom says " yes she would sleep with the mailman for a million dollars. the boy runs downstairs and tell his dad what mom said...then he says "now i want you to go ask your big sister if she would sleep with the mailman for a million dollars". again the boy runs upstairs and ask his big sis if she would sleep with the mailman for a million dollars..and the sis says yes she would. the boy runs back downstairs and tell his father....his father to the boy...." son... POTENTIALLY we are millionairs.....but in REALITY we live with two hoes.