Funny... Slipknot

Doesnt Joey Jordison cheat with his drum triggers? My friend who plays drums claims he saw a clip of one of his drum solos... with some fast as shit double bas and the camera goes to his feet and hes moving really slowly. This sounds like a stupid rumor, but regardless, slipknot blows and Joey Jordison is overated... kinda fast, but im guessing most nu metal fans who keep on say LOLOMGWTF JOEY ROXX! Havent heard any death metal drumming... GENE HOLGAN PWNZ J00 n00B!
triellan666 said:
what goes on in the clip? the link is dead
It's just a guy using "subliminal"(not really, but the pun was necessary) style advertising for Slipknot and pretty much tells you its the cool thing to like them.