Funny Story about Lar$ and Metallica

Oct 5, 2003
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So a friend of mine was telling me this story about his experience at a Metallica Autograph Signing at some record store last year during St. Anger promotion.

He said he went up to the signing table with BURNT CD-R's that had in marker "Metallica Box Set" written on them. He said that he gave them to Lars and Lars looked like he was going to have a heart attack and they kicked him out of the signing and nobody would sign his CD's lol. I could only imagine the look on his face when given Lars burnt Cd's to sign LMAO. It was probably a funnier story him telling me in person but fuck it thought I would share
That is funny but what a waste of fucking time on your buddies part. I can't imagine how long he had to wait just so he could get kicked out. Still funny though
It sounds like something i would have Maybe I would atleast put cd-r's in some printed out metallicatz sleeves :Spin:
Lars should have been a sport and signed them and wrote down some obnoxious comment just to turn the joke around. This shows he has no wit and no sense of humor.
Thats funny lol,reminds me of a buddy who asked Dave Mustaine to sign his Metallica back patch after a show.Dave freaked and had em kicked out.
goddam...wish i could have done that to lar$....fuck grabbing c*nt...if i remember back in the an old fart i am....i remember them (wont say the band nam out loud these days)...trying to get promotion for themselves by people trading bootlegs and stuff...but how the tables have turned...fuck lars...fuck metallishit...end of..lets hope they end up with the same fate as cliff burton
I had a backstage pass to the COC/Metallica gig at the Glasgow Barrowlands in 95 and Lars didnt even come out of his dressing room to sign stuff for the 10 of us that were there! Prick! On the other hand Jason was the nicest guy you'd ever meet. Top bloke that was treated like crap by Hetfield and Co.

This was after I was nearly chucked out by the bouncers because they didnt believe that my MCP pass was real!
:tickled: Kodak moment :tickled: lars has no humour. spoilt brat probably downloads more than all of us put together. when Load came out a friend of mine sent me a video of himself destroying his metallica collection. (the cds anyway) breaking things in tiny peices with hammers etc. eventually setting the shit alight with lighter fluid (hendrix impersonation) and then running from the evil fumes (maiden) :tickled:. funny? maybe not. but appropriate :D
CD-Rs of St Anger? I don't know anyone who's got it to copy. Well, no-one's owning up to it.
Rich said:
CD-Rs of St Anger? I don't know anyone who's got it to copy. Well, no-one's owning up to it.

my brother has it, or had it. I made a copy of it, listened to it and trashed it. Only because I couldn't flush it with out hurting my toilet. That cd was a big steaming pile. Almost as big as Lars. :puke:
spitzs lazy eye said:
:tickled: Kodak moment :tickled: lars has no humour. spoilt brat probably downloads more than all of us put together. when Load came out a friend of mine sent me a video of himself destroying his metallica collection. (the cds anyway) breaking things in tiny peices with hammers etc. eventually setting the shit alight with lighter fluid (hendrix impersonation) and then running from the evil fumes (maiden) :tickled:. funny? maybe not. but appropriate :D

you made me laugh!!!
I fuckin hate Lars, with his high pitched double tongue talkin voice!!
Even back in the black album days my brother won a radio contest to meet the band and sit in the "snake pit", he got pics with everyone EXCEPT Lars, he wouldn't even come out for the meet 'n greet with the winners. DICK. Everyone else was cool, especially Jason, who even took a few pics of his own with my bros camera. Jason rules, the rest suck. I support Newsted, the rest can continue to live in the shadow of the mighty Anthrax
you know what, i dont disagree with a single thing posted in this thread.

theres one good thing i can say about metallishit, they dont tour within 100 miles of here, i feel blessed
BallOfConfusion said:
I made a copy of it, listened to it and trashed it. Only because I couldn't flush it with out hurting my toilet.

I can't stop laughing at this!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: