Funny thread

I can understand why Germany, Sweden, Turkey, and Russia would be bad, but the rest is like "so fucking what?"

The women who took that survey are fucking picky :mad:
I found this very funny. :lol:
This is from a survey taken by 15,000 well traveled women:

1. Germany (too smelly)
2. England (too lazy)
3. Sweden (too quick)
4. Holland (too dominating)
5. America (too rough)
6. Greece (too lovey-dovey)
7. Wales (too selfish)
8. Scotland (too loud)
9. Turkey (too sweaty)
10. Russia (too hairy)

1. Spain
2. Brazil
3. Italy
4. France
5. Ireland
6. South Africa
7. Australia
8. New Zealand
9. Denmark
10. Canada

Read more:

WOO!! Still should be higher up on the list. :lol: Definitely above those bloody Aussies. :lol:

And no Dave, that was brilliant. J.R. completed it. :p

Oh god I'm at number 3... At least better then Matt & Co.:D

What's wrong with being rough?

And actually, the British have more sex than the French!

Thats because even the French don't want to sleep with the French. We're brits, we're fucking awesome.

Too loud? What the fuck's wrong with being loud? I'm not that loud anyway...

I can understand why Germany, Sweden, Turkey, and Russia would be bad, but the rest is like "so fucking what?"

The women who took that survey are fucking picky :mad:

Or being French

EDIT: Is vMETALLICAv the only one who actually noticed my epic post of quality win?

Chill out guys, it's just the internet! :lol:

And yes, that was an ace post Dave, good work :)
hahahahaha that was awesome diddy, was not expecting that at all.

Ok I have a little video here. If you care or you havent played bioshock or deadspace yet, do NOT watch this. It spoils both those games totally. But if you have played them its rather funny so here it is.

Spoiler Alert!
Hah, that's ace! Glad I've got no desire to play either game though :p I kind of want that 8-bit tie that guy's wearing. You know, for formal wear.