Funny websites *Warning: not on the topic of symphony x*


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
Visit site
We have this great huge internet of ours, there are many humerous websited with random and useless but fun content. is one of those websites. This thread is to post any website that you find funny witha bit about it, or discuss anythign posted so far.

*note* for the sake of the board, let's try not to get into anything really dirty or illegal. It can be funny, possibly offensive, but no links to porn sites or anything

Ok, first off:

Funny Signs:
this is funny... some strong language in case it matters to anyone

Windows Sucks:
Oh so true!

Can be offensive if you take any part of it seriously. He has very good points, but sometimes has an offensive way of putting it... women and vegetarians be warned!!!!

alright, everyone post something... now!!!!
I remember

That site could have me reading the same stuff over and over again and falling out of my seat laughing everytime. Most notable of his was The Dragon Ball Z Rewrite, the Gundam Wing Rewrite, and his Final Fantasy III walkthrough...

It's a shame he shut down about a year and a half ago...

If anybody remembers the greatness that was somerandomguy, give a shout out, and a hip hip hooray..!