
So Satan is a bummy looking guy with bad facial hair and a 70s afro? I would have thought Satan would drive instead of taking the subway.
Lar$ Ulri¢h= psycho midget with no drumming ability who gives Denmark a bad name.
King Diamond= Godly enough to negate Lar$ Ulri¢h's lameness to redeem Denmark's music scene
I thought Aqua was from Sweden?
I don't even know how old that Barbie song is, but everyone in my high school loved that song. It was always blasting out of their cars.
Aqua=tr00, kvlt, n3cr0, gr1m and fr05tb1tt3n fr0m th3 d3pth5 0v h3ll.
Maybe I was thinking of that annoying band who had that song I Saw The Sign. Ace Of Bass or something?
I know who ABBA are. I hate them too but Tad Morose had a good cover of Knowing Me Knowing You on the US pressings of Modus Vivendi

I always hoped it would be true.
So how many emo kids have you all killed today:lol:
According to their vocalist, US melodic hardcore band "Ignite" will be opening for "In Flames" on their forthcoming US tour... ;-)
God damn it. I'm getting real pissed with In Flames taking all these hardcore/mallcore/metalcore/emo/emocore etc. bands on tour. At least last time they had Evergrey and Nevermore too, but if I ever have to listen to another shitty band that has nothing but breakdowns and attracts those annoying kids who dress like girls and fight the air, well I don't know what I'll do but I'll think of something. I remember the first time I saw In Flames with As I Lay Crying and Killswitch Engayged. In Flames didn't even headline! They played second. As I Lay Crying played first and they were booed off the stage hahahahahahaha. In Flames kicked ass. They played lots of older songs, even one from Lunar Strain, and even their newer songs sounded great live. Killswitch sucked but the guitarist was pretty funny.