Further Confimations


Lady of the Vale Forlorn
Sep 9, 2002
Hartlepool, UK
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Apparently Biomechanical and Mercury Rain are also confirmed! Also as I said in another thread Hammerfall, Masterplan, In Flames, Magnum, My Dying Bride, Saxon and Halford are all currently being optioned but are NOT CONFIRMED!!

I thought that would make a few of you smile...it did me!
Masterplan, Hammerfall, Saxon, Halford or Magum would suit me fine though I do have reservations as so whether Magnum would fit in at metalfest. I love them myself but I do not think they will appeal to the death crowd or some of the more died in the wool power crowd either. As for My Dying Bride I know a few posters on this board were very eager to see them. They are not my thing but you have to cater for all tastes.....:) In Flames ..vote out here.. not heard enough of their stuff!! :)
I'd like to see Masterplan the most! Then Hammerfall, Then Halford, Then Saxon.

I too have a few worries over how Magnum would be received. I would like to see them but maybe they're a bit too AOR to playing at a 'Metalfest'

I'd hate for for them to play to about 15 fans in the Main Hall :-(
I've only heard one Mercury Rain song ('where angels fear' i think it's called). Not exactly my cup o' tea, but if they have a good following, who am I to stand in the way of progress...? perhaps I just downloaded a weak song of theirs...
In Flames and My Dying Bride!!!! Those 2 additions would make me happy!

They'd make me absolutely exstactic :D

My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost and Nightwish on the same bill :eek: That would just be crazy! I'm partial to a bit of InFlames too, and enjoyed them live a couple of years back!

*Prays MDB are confirmed*
Hello folks. Now one or two of you may know me from the Saxon BB so excuse my ignorance with regards Bloodstock but this is something I've never been to.
If I'm right then Bloodstock has a capacity of 2or 3 thousand?????
And looking at the suggested/possible line-ups I keep getting the nagging question that 'would so few people support the amount of highish profile bands financially?' Please dont kill me if I've totally fucked up here...as I said already, I'm a Bloodstock virgin. Not for long hopefully.
Cheers anybody who takes the time to clear this up for me. It may be that the bands concerned are just not greedy bastards!:)
It's a fair point but previous years have been & gone without any drastic problems on that score. I don't know how the finances are worked out but 2000 tickets multiplied by £35 is £70,000 plus merchandise sales plus what ever the trade stalls pay to be there plus maybe a cut of the alcohol sales? I expect the earlier bands wouldn’t get a great deal.............
Hiya Conquistador...welcome to the Bloodstock forum! Vince has said that they have lost money on both of the previous festivals but as attendance was up by 50% last year they did not lose quite so much! Apparently tickets are selling 4 times faster than this time last year already so this year they are hoping for a sell-out! I hope you are going to give it a try this year...I understand that Saxon are currently being optioned.....;)