Further Confimations

Thanks Old D. Nice to see the festival is progressing, although I hope not with too much prog-metal:mad:
If the mighty Saxon get booked, I will see you there, although I was dissapointed not to meet yourself and a few of the others on Sunday in the moon...
Real music is on the up in this country at the moment and long may it continue. It's like the original 'to quote Biff' "...Dam about to burst"

Let there be rock DM.
rock on.
Yeh, I am pissed (JD of-course)
Originally posted by dragonmaiden
Apparently Biomechanical and Mercury Rain are also confirmed!
Bah! I thought Biomechanical were one of the worst bands of '02, and not much better when I saw them supporting Threshold at The Underworld. Still, there'll be plenty else for me to see, so I suppose I shouldn't gripe. But I do feel they've had their shot, and others (Seven Deadly Sins being a prime example) should be given a go...
Originally posted by dragonmaiden
Yep...I wasn't able to get down to London as planned...have been a bit unwell of late!:( From what I understand it was a blinding gig!
Yep, pretty good all round. Saxon were better than the last couple of times I've seen them, and I can't complain at any of the three supports. I'd never heard of Evidence One before, but they certainly impressed. Wolf were their usual Maiden clone selves, and Nocturnal Rites rocked (and prompted me to go back and listen to some of their older stuff, which I haven't played in ages).
Sounds excellent.....I will have to catch up Nocturnal Rites next time they play over here.

As for Biomechanical I have to agree ....I am not so happy to see them confirmed for '03....I caught a bit of their set last year and then retreated into the metal mart....not my cup of tea at all. I would have preferred to see Seven Deadly Sins too.

You going to see Strat, Tet? There is a car load of us Power Quest forum regulars driving down for that....we're meeting up in the World's End if you're interested.
Originally posted by dragonmaiden
You going to see Strat, Tet? There is a car load of us Power Quest forum regulars driving down for that....we're meeting up in the World's End if you're interested.
Yep, I'm going. Not sure what's happening yet, though. I tend to work fairly late, so will probably just have to go straight from work to the gig. Will see closer to the time, though.