Future NYC concerts (a petition of sorts)

Big avenues are kinda pointless. Any further than 75ft from the stage, and the soundstage is shit. Plus a smaller hall will have better sound all around.

If you really wanted to see them in NY then you should have bought the tickets early.
I will have to agree with kno talint and Apprentice's Master on that a bigger venue would be pointless. Smaller venues not only provide better sound (sometimes) but more of an intimate setting where you can actually see the band pretty much from wherever you are standing. For all those going to tonight's show at Irving Plaza ENJOY!!!!!!!!
not really, ive been to roseland and hammestein, and the sound is incredible and loud at those places, plus the crowd is more energetic and more louder cause more people there. hammerstein? no way they cant fill that up haha maybe the floor and thats about it.. roseland i can definitly see happening, or this webster hall ive heard of but never been too

i dont get why they dont do 2 nights at irving when they plan tours
They'd have to have the right bill to fill Hammerstein and keep it filled. A couple years ago CoF played there with Nile, VoD and God Forbid. After each band played a whole bunch of people left. That's just not cool. Every other country can have a festival with different genre bands except the US.

I like the intimacy of Irving Plaza, but I'd love to see the band take it to the next level. We should all want Opeth to succede.

How about multiple nights at Irving Plaza with different openers?