SIMPLE? You think it's simple? You're not simple...are you? "A simple kind of man?"

Sorry, if you never heard that song you probably wouldn't get that...MOVING ON!
What I mean is you say, "When you have no one, no one can hurt you." OK, that may be true for you, but it's far from it for me. It makes me crazy wondering how these people can affect me the way they do. It must be some deep-rooted hope for humanity to get it right. I don't know. It's sort of hard to actually put into words now that I'm trying to.
An example would be...say I only know someone's first name yet something they do can bring me to tears. I'm waaaaaay too sensitive to others actions. Maybe someday I'll figure out the secret to being hard as nails inside as well as out, but for now I'm baffled at some of the things I see people do.
It's simple to see what's wrong with something, but incredibly annoying to try and figure out why.
When I first heard that line, I believed and understood it...I thought. Now I realized (for me) it only applies to strong or friendships. The kind that feels like your hearts torn out and you can't breath...can't comprehend what you need to do...ever again.
Everything else still hurts...just not as bad. A recoverable type of hurt. The kind that you think about for a few hours...even days and then its over and you walk away feeling like you've learned something.

::looks back on oversized post:: I'm done!