
Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Allow me to do a bit of wallowing.

Why is it no matter how hard you try, people just don't seem to be interested in what you're doing musically? I'm not even really talking about random punters in bars... I'm really talking about other bands!

It's like - band's you look up to.... who have inspired you in some way. And it seems like they just don't give a shit.

And you do people favours. Never hear from them again. You sort people out with gigs, you lend them your equipment, you give them a floor to crash on. Zip! Nada! All requests for possibly hooking us up with gigs in their local area go ignored, or very terse negative responses.

Just really pissed off and annoyed with the lack of community in the music scene in London. Maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick, but everyone just seems to take-take-take and never fucking help each other out in a symbiotic fashion.

Most people never understand the idea of community in this regard and how it can benefit everyone, I know a lot of people that will just take take take because they think if you do them a favour they shouldn't have to help you out at some point because you were just doing it out of some sort of true altruism or some shit.

These days I'm much more tense with who I help out with anything, you need to make sure you're getting something back if you pull favours otherwise people are just wankers about it and think you're polishing their ego just for the fun of it or because you love them so much.

A sense of community spirit is a great idea and if you know the right people is much better than doing things on your own, it is true though, most people are just greedy.