Game of Thrones orchestral metal cover (LTD H-1007 + Axe FX)


Apr 27, 2010
Sevilla, Spain
Hi, guys!

I just finished editing the video for this cover I made of Game of Thrones´ theme. I used not only my LTD H-1007 and the Axe FX but some orchestral sounds.

Hope you like it and comments and feedback are welcomed.
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that was awesome! I love that theme song and the show. You did a really good job. What did you use for the orchestral sounds?
Hi, thanks for the views and comments!

Ericlingus, glad you liked it so much! I used Edirol Orchestral. I know it´s not the best orchestral VSTi, but that´s what I had...King in the North! ;)

Fugdup, thanks! The theme is hypnotical, and the show is awesome. I appreciate your words about the orchestra, as it was the most difficult part (I had to listen to the arrangements in the theme and then figure out how to play them, and I´m not a piano player really)

Thanks again!
Nice! Love this song. I do think the rhythm guitars take too much space in the mix. They're slightly too loud. You can also try scooping some mids to see if the orchestra cuts through easier.
Thanks for the input, Plankis. In the first mix rythm guitars sounded a little low, and maybe I brought them too upfront. When you talk about scooping the mids, are you referring to guitars or orchestra? And how would you do it (center frequency, gain, q, etc.)?

Thanks a lot and glad you liked it.
Thanks for the input, Plankis. In the first mix rythm guitars sounded a little low, and maybe I brought them too upfront. When you talk about scooping the mids, are you referring to guitars or orchestra? And how would you do it (center frequency, gain, q, etc.)?

Thanks a lot and glad you liked it.

It's was the guitars I was referring to. I thought the lead guitars and orchestra had a little trouble to be heard. I would start around 600hz, sweep around there to see if there's a spot where it sounds better and the other instruments cut through. But first thing is to lower them some a dB or two. This might be enough, who knows.
Thanks for your comments and for listening to it!

Siguros, glad you liked it.

Plankis, thanks a lot for the suggestion, man. I will try it as soon as I can. I think that I shouldn´t have raised that 1.5 dB I did...

X14Halo, are you kidding me, man?? The 3D intro is amazing! It´s as mesmerizing as the theme itself. Good job and congratulations to you and the whole team.