Just started watching Vikings myself. Pretty damn good, and it reminds me of SoA (mostly due to the Charlie Hunnam look-alike) and as something that would be a more mild companion show to Game of Thrones and Spartacus.
I thoroughly enjoy it. It moves quickly, people die quickly, the story changes quickly. While it doesn't have the storytelling properties of GoT, it is very much like SoA, as you said.

I never could get into Spartacus, however. I'll watch it if it's on, but I won't program it and don't even follow it most of the time.
I never could get into Spartacus, however. I'll watch it if it's on, but I won't program it and don't even follow it most of the time.

It's pretty much the same shit over and over again, and for a while every episode started out exactly the same: over the top gore-fest for a few minutes, then actually make an attempt to tell a story. The first two seasons were the best anyway. They had a lot more interesting characters (Although this season has ONE somewhat new interesting character. There's always Gannicus, but he is actually way more interesting than the star of the show, and has been since the second season). Now it simply revels in it's crappy 300 showcasing.
GOOD YOU WAFFLE ON -It's pretty much the same shit over and over again, and for a while every episode started out exactly the same: over the top gore-fest for a few minutes, then actually make an attempt to tell a story. The first two seasons were the best anyway. They had a lot more interesting characters (Although this season has ONE somewhat new interesting character. There's always Gannicus, but he is actually way more interesting than the star of the show, and has been since the second season). Now it simply revels in it's crappy 300 showcasing.
The penultimate episode of TWD was much better than the final episode, imo. I, too, literally said, "Are you fucking kidding me?" at the end.

Aye, same. The whole Merle/Michonne/Governor-arc was well played. Though I'm wondering how much the slashed budget has affected the show's pace etc.

The best part of Spartacus was Ceasar, I hope he gets that rumored spin-off.

I disagree that the Governor story arc was good, it was terrible. What a two dimensional, bland villian he was. Man, I hate that show.

I just saw your sig Vlad. :lol:
Who's ready for Winds of Winter?

I predict Jon Snow will be ressurected be Mellisandre, at the cost of her own life. He will have fufilled his vow to the Nightwatch, and get legitimized as Jon Stark by Stannis. (Assuming he isn't a Targarean Bastard)

Stannis The Mannis is going to crush the Boltons and Freys, and with help of Davos, put Rickon as Lord of Winterfell.

Gendry will be recognized as Baratheon King.

Dany will get her stupid cunt ass handed to her, at the cost of Kings Landing being desolated by Wildfire. She will probably just rule The Free Cities or something.

Cold Hands is really Ben Stark.
Hey let's talk about stuff that's 3 books ahead in the TV show thread! There's no way some people are just watching the show and we'll be throwing out spoilers or anything!
they all die in the end their are no hero's its dark and brutal when they all meetup in the end
How about the Red Wedding last night? I've been waiting to see that on the screen ever since I started reading the books years ago and it was just as chilling even though I knew what was coming. Don't worry - a lot more shit will be hitting the fan, this was just a warmup!
Holy fuck, last night's episode was insane. Probably as shocking as when Ned lost his head. You know, for those who haven't actually read the books yet. ;)
One of my best friends, who also watches this bitched about it (as expected), claiming that the show isn't even worth watching now (which is exactly what he said when Ned bit it). If anything, it sets up the show for a much more interesting direction(s).

Whatever, read the books. Get over it. They are ten times better, anyway.


What an ignorant thing to say. Some people don't actually want the ending of a book or movie spoiled before they've had a chance to experience it. Many people started Fire & Ice from this show, not the other way around. Reading about it, just so you can nitpick what they altered doesn't really give it nearly as much impact as experiencing it the first time with no expectations. If anything, the books should be read after the series is finished if you haven't read them yet, or at least only read up to what the series has already covered.