Game: ultimate metal band 2007

25 - Samael
25 - At the Gates
26 - Agalloch (-2)
37 - Swallow the Sun ( +2)

I think it's hilarious how our combined tastes bring out nothing but shit. Now the last decent band is gone.. maybe we should bring in the Backstreet Boys and see them win this one

I sincerely hope you were referring to Disilussion and not Thyrfing, because if you weren't... :lol: x100000000000000000000

I mean, really. Thyrfing? :lol: :p

I agree on something, though. The bands that really deserved to win were voted out long ago, can't fathom why. I sorta like the bands that are still in competition, except Agalloch, which is an incredibly boring, pretentious and overrated band that wouldn't come up with a memorable song if its life depended on it. However, At the Gates is way too overrated (I take it Slaughter of the Soul is their only worthy album) and Samael just isn't the same since 1999. I guess Swallow the Sun is the strongest in there.
I sorta like the bands that are still in competition, except Agalloch, which is an incredibly boring, pretentious and overrated band that wouldn't come up with a memorable song if its life depended on it. However, At the Gates is way too overrated (I take it Slaughter of the Soul is their only worthy album) and Samael just isn't the same since 1999. I guess Swallow the Sun is the strongest in there.

I think the only thing I agreed on in there was about ATG. You could put in the polar opposite of everything else you said and it would fit to a T for me.

Just goes to show ya.

Not bashing everyone. Just playing with Taliesin. Do you people have to take everything seriously?

Edit: I don't really think Swallow the Sun is popular. It just happens that the few people that are still playing this game like it. I'm sure that if most members of this board were on the game, StS would have been voted out long ago.
Uhm, no.
There have been some discussions here about the band, and a lot of people liked them. They are just not here to vote...

Well, if you say so. But still it seems odd to me that they're on top over bands like At the Gates and Agalloch, which everybody seems to venerate passionately. I actually thought AtG was going to be the winner, being Gothenburg death and all. But now it seems unlikely.
I sincerely hope you were referring to Disilussion and not Thyrfing, because if you weren't... :lol: x100000000000000000000

I mean, really. Thyrfing? :lol: :p
Disillusion got kicked out last, so I was probably refering to them.
Im not saying Thyrfing are the epitome of creativity and complex song structures, but they're pretty good at what they're doing which is enough for me.
Im not going into this matter of taste any further, but I do find it surprising that out of all the worthy and inspiring bands that were there in the beginning, those 4 remained
22 - Samael (-1)
27 - At the Gates (+1)
29 - Agalloch (+1)
35 - Swallow the Sun (-1)
I knew Swallow the Sun was going to get, well, swallowed. If Agalloch win this, though, it'll be as bad as last year when In Flames got the price. At least to my eyes. Freaking Agalloch, can't understand what people see in it.