Gamers, what are your decisions?


OT Guru
Sep 4, 2008
New York
With the mass amount of games coming out this fall, what are you guys going to pick up? Right now I have Fable 2, Mirror's Edge, and Left 4 Dead (completely paid for) on pre-order. I also need to get Tomb Raider: Underworld, Fallout 3, and Far Cry 2. GAH!!! Damn you video game developers for being so awesome!!!
Meh, Far Cry 2, Mirror's Edge, and especially Left 4 Dead are up in the air for me (I'll wait for the reviews), Tomb Raider has never appealed to me, and I'll have to play the original Fable and Fallout before I consider the new installments of them. HOWEVER, after the incredibly glowing review of Dead Space on gamespot, that is a game I need to get my mitts on post haste, and of course Gears 2! And as a PS3 owner, maybe Resistance 2 will be cool, though I really wasn't impressed by the demo I played of the first. Whatever, I have such a backlog of games to catch up on (still haven't played Assassin's Creed!), so no biggie either way!
Fallout 3 (preordered the collector's box, hopefully Bethesda didn't fuck up the game to the lowest common denominator like they did when going from Morrowind to Oblivion)
maybe check out Far Cry 2, it could be similar to Andy McNab's book Recoil, which should be fun :)

On PC of course.
CoD 5... meh, I really hope it doesn't blow. CoD 4 is by far the best war game ever made. I've bought plenty of other titles, and always come back to CoD 4. It's amazing.

I've been hooked on Fifa 09 for the past few weeks now.
YES, CoD 4 is an absolute masterpiece - I'm generally sick to death of first-person shooters (Halo ugggghhh, and yes I've played all 3 multiple times) so I held off on playing it for a long time, but my god, everything in it is pure perfection, from the smoothness of the controls to the UNBELIEVABLE story to the god-like multiplayer to just the right amount of realism (holding the gun up to aim, small jump heights, going prone, etc.) without going too far like that exercise in masochism Rainbow Six Vegas :rolleyes:. And I HATE WWII games, enough already, and CoD 5 isn't even being made by Infinity Ward, rather Treyarch, who made CoD 3, so low hopes on that one...
i played the beta the other day.. i didn't think it was that good tbh..

Oh god, *hopes have been dashed* :cry:

I bought Brothers in Arms HH the other day, I must say the MP is shocking, its like it was made in 5 minutes. Main games alright, story and cut scenes are the best however. Not a dot on COD4.
I'm not much of a gamer, but I'll be sure to check out Fallout 3 and GTA IV once it comes out to PC. Those are the two series I have really enjoyed. Well, Civilization of course, but I really don't want anything else than Civ II :)

Dude, Civ 3 is awesome :D

I know its already old but I still play that game when I'm burned out. Before I know it, 2 hours have gone by and the wife is hating me

other than that, which I have on PC, I still only have a PS2 ... I'm pretty far behind on games. Actually, just finished God of War II last week
Fallout 3, Gears Of War 2 and maybe the Web Of Shadows (the new spider man game).
Last week me and some friends played Silent Hill 5 for 15 hours non-stop (from the beggining to the end), this week I´m taking a bit easy.
Still need to end Saints Row 2.
Its not CoD5, guys... its World at War.. its like an in between. IW is making CoD5. At least from the last shit I heard. I know some people that work in the game industry
Fable 2, LittleBigPlanet and Guitar Hero World Tour are definite, Fallout 3 and Mirror's Edge are possible depending on reviews.