Gamma Ray In The U.S.

TBJ said:
What's wrong with Jaxx?, they host a lot of euro bands, dont they?
Jaxx rocks. They get every good tour and consistently have great shows. So the answer is nothing. I think the original poster was saying the physical place itself isn't very nice, but it is more than sufficient. It's an old movie theater converted into a live music venue, but I think that gives it character. :)
Empress said:
I bet NONE of these will be a Florida show, goddammit!!!!
You would be correct.

Apr. 30 - Worcester, MA @ Palladium
May 01 - New York, NY @ B.B. King's Blues Club
May 02 - Springfield, VA @ Jaxx Tickets
May 04 - Toronto, ONT @ Opera House
May 05 - Quebec City, QC @ Le Capitole
May 06 - Montreal, QC @ Medley
If I hadn't already seen Gamma Ray at ProgPower, it might be worth driving to Toronto for this show. However, I've already seen them, and it's not worth a six-hour drive to see one band.

Here's hoping they DO play a full US tour.
Dark One said:
Yep, as noted in the post above, you were right on the money Mark. Unfortunately for me though, the final date added:

Apr. 30 - Worcester, MA @ Palladium

I'm always right on the money. ;)

I also enjoy living 6 1/2 miles from B.B. King's. Ha ha ha. FYI to those of you planning on traveling for the NYC Gamma's on a Monday night.
OdinsCourt said:
Who books these shows? People whose business is live entertainment. ;)

You say Monday is your busiest day? Well, I bet you do business on other days. Just like the live music industry. Do you really expect bands and venues to just shut down during the week? They have to make a living too.

I'm sure you were just venting, but I see people complain about this all the time. I've found that I'm willing to alter my schedule to see bands I really like (or open for them), especially when they hardly ever come around.

I don't want to get mean here, but your first statement is really kind of ludicrous. Anyone who knows the live entertainment business (granted I've only been doing it for 3 years) knows that Monday is hardly the night people go out. Friday and Saturdays are the best for this. You'll notice that the tour starts on a Sunday which is also kind of lame. But to put a band that hasn't toured the US since ... what, one show at PP ... and you're going to put them in New York City on a Monday night? Are you kidding me? That's just dumb, I don't care what rules you're playing by. They should have done NYC on Sat, the festival on Sunday and VA on Monday.

But then again ... they didn't ask me either... :loco:
Well, it isn't always their choice. Bands usually put out that their touring and venues will respond with open dates. Then they try to make the available dates make some sort of sense logistically as much as possible. It's very likely that these venues were booked on Friday and Saturday.

And you don't have to tell me about during the week - it is very difficult promoting shows when my band opens for Nationals during the week. I'd love everything to be on Saturdays first, Fridays second, and Thursdays last. After that, it's all hard. But if you do it for a living (be it a band or a venue), you usually can't make a living out of working 2 days a week (especially in the underground metal area).

Anyway, most venues in the business want live shows as many days as possible to maximize profits (just like any business). Every band who tours can't play on a Friday or Saturday - there aren't enough venues. ;)

I didn't think you were being mean. It's all good. :D
OdinsCourt said:
Well, it isn't always their choice. Bands usually put out that their touring and venues will respond with open dates. Then they try to make the available dates make some sort of sense logistically as much as possible. It's very likely that these venues were booked on Friday and Saturday.

And you don't have to tell me about during the week - it is very difficult promoting shows when my band opens for Nationals during the week. I'd love everything to be on Saturdays first, Fridays second, and Thursdays last. After that, it's all hard. But if you do it for a living (be it a band or a venue), you usually can't make a living out of working 2 days a week (especially in the underground metal area).

Anyway, most venues in the business want live shows as many days as possible to maximize profits (just like any business). Every band who tours can't play on a Friday or Saturday - there aren't enough venues. ;)

I didn't think you were being mean. It's all good. :D

Well cool, I'm glad that you didn't think I was trying to be a know-it-all. I guess being that everyone knows how tough of a sell power/prog metal is in the United States, you would try to have as much going for you as humanly possible when you did the routing and the tour. Booking a tour nearly 5 months out, if I was routing it, I would have tried to hit NYC on a better day to insure a sell-out crowd. NYC seems to have a good power/prog metal fan base (with 5 million people, you'd friggin' hope so! :loco: ), so maybe they figured they'd do well no matter what.

I guess a counter-point to my own argument is that when I saw the MANOWAR/RHAPSODY show in NYC this past June, the damn thing sold out BB King's on a Sunday night with a 9:00pm door time. 9:00pm!? On a Sunday night?! Sheesh, talk about the city that never sleeps! However, I met quite a number of people who traveled to the show from great distances ... I think you are going to seriously cut out a great majority of the travelers due to the day of the week.

What I really don't want to see is some low number for the Gamma Ray date posted on Blabbermouth and then all the death metal guys start slamming power metal citing poor attendance numbers. We can only hope I guess!

On a side-note, I wanted to say that I got onto your website today and downloaded some of your songs. THEY'RE GOOD! :rock: Email me, you guys should play Minnesota...

Hey folks. Just picked up the new GR...sounds very cool, musically.

But anybody who was on the Andy Franck plaigiarism train should be up in arms about this one.

I wonder if Kerry Livgren is getting royalties on these lyrics?

From track 2, Fight:

"The path I've chosen now has led me to a wall...
though my mind perceived I still was a blind man...
Carry on"

Carry On, indeed. Carry On ripping off Leftoverture's lyrics. :)
nvandyk said:
Hey folks. Just picked up the new GR...sounds very cool, musically.

But anybody who was on the Andy Franck plaigiarism train should be up in arms about this one.

I wonder if Kerry Livgren is getting royalties on these lyrics?

From track 2, Fight:

"The path I've chosen now has led me to a wall...
though my mind perceived I still was a blind man...
Carry on"

Carry On, indeed. Carry On ripping off Leftoverture's lyrics. :)

I believe there's a Judas Priest quote on that cd as well.....I'm at work now, so I can't name specifics.... As long as they don't get caught lip-synching,
It would take a lot for Gamma Ray to piss me off..... :grin:

Dark One said:
Yep, as noted in the post above, you were right on the money Mark. Unfortunately for me though, the final date added:

Apr. 30 - Worcester, MA @ Palladium

Dark One,

I'm not surprised. It seems to me that Philly has been losing some steam for metal acts. I've noticed more and more acts doing BB Kings, Jaxx, and skipping everything in between. Since it is a PitA for me to get up to NY, I've been missing a few shows here and there. OTOH, I'll be in Cozumel scuba diving when Gamma Ray is in the area, so I have a good excuse for missing them.

Steve in Philly
Something tells me that Kai Hansen is not the biggest Kansas fan in the world. I seriously doubt he was inspired to lift the lyrics from them. But then again, you will never know....
DarkOne said:
Dark One,

I'm not surprised. It seems to me that Philly has been losing some steam for metal acts. I've noticed more and more acts doing BB Kings, Jaxx, and skipping everything in between. Since it is a PitA for me to get up to NY, I've been missing a few shows here and there. OTOH, I'll be in Cozumel scuba diving when Gamma Ray is in the area, so I have a good excuse for missing them.

Steve in Philly

Agreed. It's due to the Trocadero getting bought out by House of Blues. The number of quality metal acts getting booked there are steadily declining. When Opeth and In Flames headlining concerts (ones that consistently sell out the Troc) start getting booked at the smaller Theatre of Living Arts, you know something's up.

BTW, have a great time in Cozumel - that sounds like a blast! :)

Well holy shit! Looks like a road trip is in order!! 2 LA shows added, long drive but it's better than nothing!!

GAMMA RAY: More U.S. Dates Announced - Jan. 10, 2006
German power metallers GAMMA RAY have added two Californian shows to their upcoming North American trek. Confirmed dates are as follows:

Apr. 30 - Worcester, MA @ Palladium
May 01 - New York, NY @ B.B. King's Blues Club
May 02 - Springfield, VA @ Jaxx Tickets
May 04 - Toronto, ONT @ Opera House
May 05 - Quebec City, QC @ Le Capitole
May 06 - Montreal, QC @ Medley
May 09 - Santa Ana, CA @ Galaxy Theatre
May 10 - Los Angeles, CA @ Key Club