GAS Amp advice - demo 6505 or bugera 6262??

Ive had 3 6505's thru repplacemnts. At this point i dont think its any better quality than the bug.

Same here, mine was more time in tech service than in the rehearshal space.
At first it kept blowing the fuses, then the power tubes, then some dodgy resistor in the power stage...sounded great, but it did last 3 months before next service ( I kept it for 3 years)
seeing jonesy´s posts in another thread does makes me wonder....
It has arrived and it comes with rubys 6l6GC´s, 3 JJecc83s and 2 Sovtek lps.
let´s see if it holds on....

One of the reasons that made me decide on the original head was because it´s was bought here in my country and that way it´s easier to have it serviced here if it needs vs having to ship it to thomman or something like that.
Hang in there jonesy :)

I've had my bugera for 7 months now, it's not the greatest amp in the world but it's got a clean, tight & detailed sound and I'd never ask for more in that price range. Beats my (ex) JSX hands down.

If you decide to go for one, there was a large number with a fault in the power supply, and I remember the greek dealer had to take all of them back and repair them at no cost. If you contacted Bugera they should provide you with a serial number list of the faulty ones.
