GASing for a profire 610? or not?


Dec 26, 2006
Hi all
I'm planning to upgrafe my interface, and i'm kinda set on the 610... I don't really need 6 inputs, as I'm not going to track drums. From what I've read the preamps are nice, so that I won't need to upgrade for some time, but the fact that I won't be able to reamp properly (the line out level is too low) keeps me from getting it. Is there anything else on this price range (few channels, good preamps) that can do it all? Or should I just save up for a profire 2626, although I don't need all these channels?
Thanks in advance!
I just ordered a 2626 an hour ago. What's this business about the line out level being too low to reamp? Is that just a 610 issue? I didn't run across anything about that while researching the 2626.

I assume you never plan to record drums or need more than two inputs? I don't know what your setup is, but I personally like to have more inputs so I can keep stuff plugged in and not have to switch back and forth for the most part.
2626 all the way.

610 sucks. ad/da and pre's are actually quite good, but no adat and most imporatantly too low line out level for reamping killed it for me
Hmmm, I just found out about the M-Audio Fast Track Ultra, here is what it does :
24bit/96kHz USB2.0 audio interface with 6x analog I/O's, 2x digital I/O's (S/PDIF), 4x internal preamps (octane technology), 2x inserts, MIDI I/O, 2x headphone outputs

It's a few euros cheaper than the 610, plus it's usb2, instead of firewire. I'm on a pc, so that would save me a few more euros from buying a pci firewire card... Is there any reason I should avoid it? I think I'm kinda sold for it..