gay-metal and the albums you are ashamed to like from this most popular of subgenres

polarity3 said:
in flames - the jester race :erk:

I actually like that album and I'm not ashamed to say it. Of course you probably wouldn't find that surprising but you're a fucking idiot anyway so why should I care?
Thraxz said:
I still like Alice in Chains.

If that even counts as metal... (not really but it's popular)

Alice In Chains aren't metal of course, but to call them gay is idiotic. AIC was one of the greatest rock bands ever.
yes, there are many bands that I like and that I enjoy, but I'm ashamed to listen to because someone out there thinks that what I like, sucks, because really, what other people think counts more.
actually no im ashamed to like it because i can tell its pretty throwaway stuff but its still enjoyable. no doubt's "tragic kingdom" is more substantial pop music than in flames, i'm not ashamed to enjoy that :)
Ganymede said:
Alice In Chains aren't metal of course

What exactly disqaulifies AIC as a "metal" band? Though maybe 1/4 of their music was acoustic/melodic, and another 1/4 was four-on-the-floor hardrock, half the time they were still heavier than 7/8ths of the music passing as meht-hul these days.

(Hooray 4 fractionz...)
polarity3 said:
actually no im ashamed to like it because i can tell its pretty throwaway stuff but its still enjoyable. no doubt's "tragic kingdom" is more substantial pop music than in flames, i'm not ashamed to enjoy that :)

throwaway??? i love that fucking album. the guitar solo in december flower is hands down my favorite guitar solo of all time. As a matter of fact all the guitar work on that album is awesome. Its really melodic and smooth sounding.
lol, what is exactly the point of this topic? You shouldn't be ashamed anything you like to listen too. It doesn't make any sense, unless you are constantly worrying "What Would GMD Think of Me Listening to IF?! They would Forsake Me! Oh noes!"

Seriously, no one gives a fuck. Listen to what you want when you want. end of topic.