Gear lust. DO WANT!

Does nothing for me, but at least they're trying. More options are always good, I suppose. Though if they're trying to appeal to metal players, I don't know why there's not a Les Paul 7 aside from the old Epiphone yet.
I have one of the old Gibson Gothic Explorers. My favorite guitar. I'd really like a V too. And no thank you on the no stuffy table 80s cheese. Graphite nuts, ebony boards, no inlay except for the old Gibson insignia (the halfmoon and star, I guess the "muslim" connotation keeps them from using it, which is more than a little idiotic since the symbol has nothing to do with Islam) and a very eerie photo of Orville on the back of the headstock. I remember they went on a fire sale at mf for funny prices back in the day when they were discontinued. A lot of them had horrible QC though.

That 7 string V is indeed hideous, I hate the early style Vs. Gibson lost the plot a long time ago. Give me a fully solid maple capped black triple bound LP with an ebony board and I'll be a happy camper. I'm not paying them what they ask for their historic line though.
Wanna make a guitar which appeals to metal guitarists? Les Paul Studio, Satin Black, EMGs, done.

You just described the LP Studio Gothic II


Satin black, stock EMG's, no inlays. Rad.
Not in production, you may be able to find some on ebay. Gibson will launch a new series and make a few for about a year and then just stop making them. The voodoo series was like that, so they are 'rare'.
^those are new for this year. only an lp and sg version. I don't like the gold decals on the headstock, vs the white/outline decals on the goth series, also i think it's dumb for them to put their own actives rather than just doing EMG's.
I still believe the two most metal guitars ever made were:

Gibson Les Paul Standard
Fender Fat Strat

Do prove me wrong :)
I wish they would release the solid white 7 string explorer and the solid white 7 string V, ive seen them around but I'm positive they are custom, it would be great if those stingy bastards would let us have them too, and I wonder who is going to buy that ugly piece of shit?