Gear talk


HMAS Slagdestroyer
Mar 23, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Rather than hijack the For Sale thread any further...

The artist formerly known as the Red Guitarist now plays a Gibson SG '61 Reissue and it kicks ass.
At least it's still a red guitar (or so I'd assume)! :p

I've really never seen the appeal of an SG. From both an aesthetic and technical / luthiery perspective they have always struck me as one of the most clumsy, limiting and ineffectual guitar designs to ever 'take off'. Is it all just a matter of personal preference or is there some significant factor I'm missing? I just don't get how people can justify the kind of big bickies a Gibson SG demands.
It's all personal preference i guess. I played it and i really liked the way it sounds and plays so i bought it. I've owned two very expensive guitars and i find this suits my playing style more than those.

What SG's have you played? A lot of SG fanatics seem to think all of the models after '68 suck.

And yes there is the fact that a lot of my favourite guitarists played these things.
I once played an Epiphone SG (like a low class one) and thought it played pretty damn well, so I would assume that the Gibson ones tear arse. Though I must say I'm not too big a fan of the shape. How do they go in terms of weight? I am a big fan of light guitars.
Shane if i knew you were in the market for a new axe you could of come and borrowed jean's guitar


On a more serious note i was actually pretty impressed with how good the daisy rock sounded with a mahogany body, maple neck & rosewood fingerboard.
I love how SGs look, and I think they sound pretty good, depending on what you're trying to do with it.
What SG's have you played? A lot of SG fanatics seem to think all of the models after '68 suck.
I don't know as far as particular models but I can't imagine it being any more significant than the difference between say a '59 LP and a modern one, or a 60's vs modern Strat. I played a few Epiphone ones, a Gibson Voodoo and an early (guessing 70's but not sure) Hondo copy. I almost bought the Gibson because it was $1200 but decided against it because I only would have been buying it for the dollar value and novelty of owning a "real" Gibson, I didn't like the guitar itself that much. Then again I used to dispise Les Pauls as well yet my tastes have changed somewhat and my 'dream' electric at the moment is heavily LP inspired so who knows.


On a more serious note i was actually pretty impressed with how good the daisy rock sounded with a mahogany body, maple neck & rosewood fingerboard.
I played a Daisy Rock flower shaped guitar in a music shop out of sheer morbid curiosity and other than for the small scale it felt awesome. They may be 'girls' guitars but at least they're well made and sounded as good as your average full size 'pro' guitar.