Gender Issues in Musician Circles? Existant or a Great Blubbering Vaginal Lie?


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
I just read an article in the Letters section of a guitar magazine about some girl claiming that it is so hard to be a "Female Guitarist" As no-one takes them seriously.

I think this is total bullshit, i dont believe anyone i have ever met has had a problem with female guitarists. i know several and jam withb them as well as the guy guitarists i know. I think the only girls that believe they have it harder are the ones that do ti to be cool and dont realise you actually have to practise.
I was never aware that you could only play guitar if you were male?
This shit really pisses me off becuase it really gives guitarists a bad name and these people, if they spent more time practising than they did moaning about equality would get respect.

During the time when I actually did play guitar and bass I didnt experience any guy looking down on me cause I was female or anything of that sort.

I wouldnt say she is completely wrong though, I bet there can be situations like that.. I have met airhead metallistening guys who think I cant even appreciate the music just cause of my gender so :rolleyes: ... but HEY, I KNOW most of the guys are great so dont think I accuse all of you for being that stupid, I just say it situations like that can exist. :)
Johanna said:
During the time when I actually did play guitar and bass I didnt experience any guy looking down on me cause I was female or anything of that sort.

I wouldnt say she is completely wrong though, I bet there can be situations like that.. I have met airhead metallistening guys who think I cant even appreciate the music just cause of my gender so :rolleyes: ... but HEY, I KNOW most of the guys are great so dont think I accuse all of you for being that stupid, I just say it situations like that can exist. :)
you should pick up the guitar again.:)
bobvex said:
you should pick up the guitar again.:)
If I had time to practice I would ;) You see, I dont play it to be cool, I actually wanna be able to play something so it sounds decent too :p (refers to needlewarhearts post)
Johanna said:
If I had time to practice I would ;) You see, I dont play it to be cool, I actually wanna be able to play something so it sounds decent too :p (refers to needlewarhearts post)
but of course ;)
oh yeah. . .in that case: are you a pretty girl with cool attitude and used to lay but dont have time anymore?
quitting the badger-talk and getting in the topic :p

I have nothing against female musicians, i just don't know many who can kick ass

Probably cause women have better things to do than nerdying around a rock/metal instrument :p

Anyway, there's only one thing:
Usually drummer women don't have good beating skills... they're too soft on the skins.
And the last time i saw a girl playing drums beating like hell i almost fell in love! :lol: :p

Anyway, just out of curiosity, can anyone name a virtuoso female guitar player/bass player?