Gender Issues in Musician Circles? Existant or a Great Blubbering Vaginal Lie?

NeedledWarheart said:
I was never aware that you could only play guitar if you were male?
Overly whiney people, regardless of gender, can be extremely annoying. I agree. (In fact, pretty much the only thing that pisses me off about today's feminism is this: "Booooo-hooooooo :waah: we're all poor little helpless victims of the evil men!") But:
Maybe YOU are able to respect a talented female (metal) musician. And that's cool.
However it seems like the music industry is full of complete pricks who apparently are too fucking cool to take a woman seriously even if she's ten times more talented than them! Or maybe they are afraid of being outdone by a chick, who knows.
Of course, there are girls who wanna play rock or metal "only to be cool", or who take advantage of their looks to get by. But they are a disgrace to women in music.
Ahh, I started at 12 with guitar. I went to bass, drums and keys(a tiny bit), mainly guitar and drums as most know. I became more of a drummer for awhile after my guitar got snatched; and then when the nerve damage hit i couldn't play anymore. But since I have use of the arm/fingers back(well, getting there), i'm pretty much almost total guitar again anymore, since 2 months ago. But i still go back and beat the drums once in awhile cause it's fun. And I still have utmost respect for drummers. :D

Shit, I never cared. I was asked to join bands as a teen; my first band had my best friend on rhythm guitar at about 14-15, and it was a guy; they left lead to me. :D I mean granted, i'd rather be known as "the guitarist" rather than "the chick guitarist" (ie, recognized for ability rather than 'being a chick') but I could care less either way, I do it because I love it. :D
The Lantern Nut said:
Overly whiney people, regardless of gender, can be extremely annoying. I agree. (In fact, pretty much the only thing that pisses me off about today's feminism is this: "Booooo-hooooooo :waah: we're all poor little helpless victims of the evil men!") But:
Maybe YOU are able to respect a talented female (metal) musician. And that's cool.
However it seems like the music industry is full of complete pricks who apparently are too fucking cool to take a woman seriously even if she's ten times more talented than them! Or maybe they are afraid of being outdone by a chick, who knows.
Of course, there are girls who wanna play rock or metal "only to be cool", or who take advantage of their looks to get by. But they are a disgrace to women in music.

I totally agree with you that it DOES happen but i (Before i read this letter in the magazine) HAd had No EXperiance of any such incidents happening and i play in a lot of musician circles. I am not afraid of being outdone by a girl on guitar? Why? Cause its no different from being outdone on guitar by a guy besides the girl looks way hotter while tearing me a new asshole in shred guitar than a guy does.:lol:

Is it she you almost fell in love with?
Well, i don't think I've ever seen chicks do anything but singing and trying to look good in metal bands. It's probably because tits sell. Seriously, how many butt-ugly women sing in metal bands? It's all about looks.
It's like that in pop music too. The chick with the nicest tits sell the most records.
As we all know, that's not an issue when it comes to male metal bands. Just look at the dudes in Gamma Ray :p

After all, we did have that chick, Melanie whatever, in Sinergy for a short while. Too bad she had to fill Marco's shoes :p Not many can do that.
Somberlain: Well, I have never been to a Sinergy show (unfortunately, but hopefully I'll be seeing one one day!) but judging from the many live pics I've seen, Kim does NOT run around half naked on stage! ;)
And same goes for other metal ladies: Tairrie B and Angela Gossow, to name but two.
Alright, while Kim and Tairrie get called "fat" all the time by some morons, most guys are drooling over Angela; but what I meant was that at least a few women in heavy metal (Kim, Angela, Tairrie, etc) are indeed in it to kick some ass and make good MUSIC, and are serious artists, not decoration.
As I said: Yes, there are chicks in rock who only (or mainly) succed because of their looks (*cough* Scabbia *cough*) -but they give women in music a bad name!
I've never seen a good female guitarist. It's sad, really. There need to be more around. The only female guitarists I've come into contact with can only play a few power chords. There are no female shred guitarists in the virtuoso circle. What's going on here?
My view is though, jsut cause a chick is hot doesn't mean shes just flaunting it.

Look at tarja for example. Shes hot as hell but damnit she can sing and even if she was ugly i'd buy their records cause she has a great voice.

We cant jsut say "oh shes hot, shes just in metal to sell records" thats not always fair.