George Lucas Has Lost His Marbles

You just barely noticed that Lucas was fucking crazy? Haven't you seen Episode 1 and 2 yet?

- Straylight
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StraylightNova said:
You just barely noticed that Lucas was fucking crazy? Haven't you seen Episode 1 and 2 yet?

Thankfully, Ep. 2 was better than the abysmal Ep. 1. We knew that George was losing his marbles when we heard the dialogue in 1 and 2, but he hadn't completely lost it, then. :hypno:

Now, with the addition of Hayden "Anakin the Mannequin" Christiansen in Return of the Jedi (previously the lowest point in the series before Episode 1), we can confirm that the nice men in the white suits are coming for George up at Skywalker Ranch in Marin County, CA. :grin:

Hopefully, someone at Fox can declare Lucas as being mentally unfit so we will get a new print of Star Wars - pre-"Episode IV, A New Hope" at the beginning of the crawl - and put it out on DVD so I can see the movie the way that I remembered it as a child before the announcement was made that Lucas was given the rights to make sequels. :) (Please, don't wake me up from this dream.)