German circumcision ban

People are taking knives to baby penises.


It's cool though, I mean I am american, I understand wanting to police the world.
OT warning.

@all notgiveasinglefuckers:

A lot of evil in this world happens exactly because people don't give a fuck and do nothing about it.
Watch out or that evil may come to you and your family some day, you will then cry that no one helped you because they just didn't give a single fuck about your misery.
Believe it or not - most people over here in America think that uncircumcised means that you cannot see the head - EVER. They think that the penis head is created upon circumcision. They cannot fathom the concept of skin sliding back and forth.

The fact that the people who support it and go through with it often times don't have a clue about it - that is what really pisses me off.
Believe it or not - most people over here in America think that uncircumcised means that you cannot see the head - EVER. They think that the penis head is created upon circumcision. They cannot fathom the concept of skin sliding back and forth.

The fact that the people who support it and go through with it often times don't have a clue about it - that is what really pisses me off.

Is this true?? :guh:
Is this true?? :guh:

Okay, maybe not "most people," but a shocking amount really are that uninformed. In my experience, the usual response to anything circumcision related ends with a look of disgust and a comment about Europeans and turtlenecks, and how weird it would be not being able to see the head.
Yeah, it is pretty crazy out here. Some chicks here even have no idea what it means or what uncircumsized junk looks like. I've thought about this a little for the last couple of days and even though I initially was like "who gives a shit, its just circumcision", i've come to realize that there is no objective way to think about it without realizing it's fucked up. You've got human rights vs. religious freedom in direct conflict. Should parents be allowed to basically unnecessarily amputate a body part off of a baby? Probably not, thats fucked up no matter how you spin it. Should a law be put into place specifically to hinder religious freedom? Well, that's not really cool in this day and age, especially in a country with a history like Germany. But what if for example it was something more serious, like a religious right of cutting a finger off of your infant for no reason, what would happen then? Sometimes I wonder....
Yeah, it is pretty crazy out here. Some chicks here even have no idea what it means or what uncircumsized junk looks like. I've thought about this a little for the last couple of days and even though I initially was like "who gives a shit, its just circumcision", i've come to realize that there is no objective way to think about it without realizing it's fucked up. You've got human rights vs. religious freedom in direct conflict. Should parents be allowed to basically unnecessarily amputate a body part off of a baby? Probably not, thats fucked up no matter how you spin it. Should a law be put into place specifically to hinder religious freedom? Well, that's not really cool in this day and age, especially in a country with a history like Germany. But what if for example it was something more serious, like a religious right of cutting a finger off of your infant for no reason, what would happen then? Sometimes I wonder....

Pretty much my thoughts, minus any hesitation about the law haha
i think it's fucking great.
A kid must be able to choose, when he's older, if he wants a piece of his dick chopped off.
What's this clean, unclean problem ?? I think there's a solution to that it's called a shower or a bath.

And yet another minor event turned into some big debate involving cocks and religion... again...

damn it mankind !
i think it's fucking great.
A kid must be able to choose, when he's older, if he wants a piece of his dick chopped off.
What's this clean, unclean problem ?? I think there's a solution to that it's called a shower or a bath.

And yet another minor event turned into some big debate involving cocks and religion... again...

damn it mankind !

A child should definitely be able to choose, it is his body, of course! Though in defense of those who choose to circumcise, it is easier to clean and change an infant boy who has been cut. I have very distinct memory of a friend changing her baby brother's diaper and shit being caked EVERYWHERE.
A child should definitely be able to choose, it is his body, of course! Though in defense of those who choose to circumcise, it is easier to clean and change an infant boy who has been cut. I have very distinct memory of a friend changing her baby brother's diaper and shit being caked EVERYWHERE.

Seems to me you've got some cognitive dissonance about this issue. Having a circumcised cock has nothing to do with the amount of shit that comes out of ones arsehole.
Seems to me you've got some cognitive dissonance about this issue. Having a circumcised cock has nothing to do with the amount of shit that comes out of ones arsehole.

I think the idea is that shit gets everywhere anyway and it's easier to clean shit off a circumcised penis (I can't believe I just typed that :ill:)

However, I can't see it being such a drag that you should chop it off...
I think the idea is that shit gets everywhere anyway and it's easier to clean shit off a circumcised penis (I can't believe I just typed that :ill:)

However, I can't see it being such a drag that you should chop it off...

I don't really see how it's easier. Are we seriously saying that circumcision is ostensibly a time saving device? :lol::lol:
I wouldn't say that I am having cognitive dissonance :lol: but I am pointing out that some people still view it as a legitmate issue of hygiene.

But as has been shown time and time again, it isn't a legitimate issue of hygiene at all.

I tend to feel this is a cultural thing. It's been going on in the USA now for decades and decades, has its roots in religiosity, and has a room full of bad science in order to support it. No small wonder that the USA continues to embrace it. :heh: