German right wing llunatic as pope



"At the Eighth International Church Music Congress in Rome in 1986, for example, Ratzinger blasted rock music as a “vehicle of anti-religion”. He said rock and roll is a secular variant of an age-old ecstatic religion, in which man “lowers the barriers of individuality and personality” to “liberate himself from the burden of consciousness”. Rock is thus “the complete antithesis of Christian faith in the redemption”. "
Allan said:

"At the Eighth International Church Music Congress in Rome in 1986, for example, Ratzinger blasted rock music as a “vehicle of anti-religion”. He said rock and roll is a secular variant of an age-old ecstatic religion, in which man “lowers the barriers of individuality and personality” to “liberate himself from the burden of consciousness”. Rock is thus “the complete antithesis of Christian faith in the redemption”. "
One more tolerant ostie-eater:erk:
Cerulean said:
This guy was actually a Hitler Jügend member :Smug:

Most of the catholic church in Germany and Europe were pro-Hitler... they even are responsible for hundred of years of antisemtism and persecution of other minorities in their communities...

It is very common to replace one extreme model of the world with another...
I dont fucking like the new pope. I remember in 1986 when roger moore announced he was quitting as james bond and they were looking for a replacement i thought 'no , but roger moore IS james bond'. Well thats the same way i feel about the new pope, like when i saw timothy daltons wrong shaped visage. This guy is NOT THE POPE. Bring back the old pope! Its like the new Dr.Who or something. Sylvester McCoy? FUCK OFF!!