German right wing llunatic as pope

Mick Moss said:
I dont fucking like the new pope. I remember in 1986 when roger moore announced he was quitting as james bond and they were looking for a replacement i thought 'no , but roger moore IS james bond'. Well thats the same way i feel about the new pope, like when i saw timothy daltons wrong shaped visage. This guy is NOT THE POPE. Bring back the old pope! Its like the new Dr.Who or something. Sylvester McCoy? FUCK OFF!!

Mick you should send that to a newspaper reviews section, they'd print it, hahaha
Susie said:

"I belive God created me in one day!"
"Yeah looks like he rushed it."
- Bill Hicks on creationists

So, all hail the new Füh... pope. Sieg Halleluja!

All german boys had to join the HJ... but maybe he volonteered, and by the way people can be old conservative shitheads without being nazis. :p
and in the left corner pope "the panzer pope" benedikt xvi!

it's great, I tell you. hope he kills off those pesky jesus revolution snots.

it's also rumoured that he wanted the american bishop to refuse john kerry those biscuits and that wine (what's it called?) because of his abortion politics. oh, this will be grand!
Ratzinger as pope, haha, i never thought to say this, but i pity the christians now.
on the other hand...they got what they deserve.
I think you should all shut up, disrespecting the Pope is like pissing in God's face (and laughing)
cant say im too enamoured with a german popenfuhrer, like seeing a kraut in a funny costume up on a balcony being cheered by adoring hordes again is a bit ominous, but i suppose its better than having one of the spear chuckers taking over. ould benny is sound on the fundamental principles too which is always good as it pisses all the usual liberal whiners in this thread off, im sure they'll all be spouting on about the hitler youth without bothering to check their facts as per usual, the simplistic sloganeering you come to expect from those secular maggots :tickled: