German Thread

Takes the place in every German conversation. Even "Wie gehts" gets punched to the sidelines. Germany is a very different place these days.

Ah I really miss it, and I was only last over in February. Drinking beer in litres here I come!
In one of my books it teaches you "Wie Geht Es," which im told is completely wrong.

Then I read in the small print "made in USA." Fuck, they make a mess out of the English language, why would we expect anything different out of them with other languages.
''Wie geht es dir?'' would be correct, but ''Wie geht Es ?'' sounds shit. But ''Wie geht's?'' is also pretty common.
Which city in germany do you like the most ?
Ive only been to Lubeck, Hamburg and Frankfurt as far as cities are concerned. I think Hamburg was probably the better of the lot.

Towns wise though, Heidelberg is lovely! One of these days ill go to the DDR.
Ive only been to Lubeck, Hamburg and Frankfurt as far as cities are concerned. I think Hamburg was probably the better of the lot.

Towns wise though, Heidelberg is lovely! One of these days ill go to the DDR.
Haha since I work @ Heidelberg´s city hall I totally agree with you ;)
Forget it, it´s always being renovated. Left corner, right tower, middle, gardens, then left corner again... you know what I mean. You should definitely come in July when there are (classical) concerts up there, or after work parties every 1st thursday a month, that´s well worth a visit.
First seconds I was wtf? but ok got it now, you mean after/before Wacken weekend. Well Weinheim is also pretty ´n sweet, been there last year.
Old town is ace, and they have a rock bar called Six Pack which imo is bloody ace. I asked the guy who run it "can I have some Manowar," with the idea I would get one song. I got the whole of Kings of Metal and half of Louder than Hell.
:lol: great. It´s a bit too far to drive for just one eve, otherwise I´d check it out.
Oh, ever been at the Rockfabrik/Ludwigsburg while in Germany?
Oh well at least it´s still metal... nothing is harder than spending a whole evening with Heino and de Randfichtn at a marriage and you may not leave when you want to... Jesus I was so drunk that night.
Soviel Alk kann man garnicht trinken. Mein Beileid! :lol:

@mocobhc: Ist The Prophecy23 Deine Band?