Germans / Austrians?


New Metal Member
Jan 16, 2011
Würde gerne mal wissen, wieviele meiner Landsleute und Nachbarn sich hier im Forum so rumtreiben und ob man dem ein oder anderen auf nem Konzert / Festival über den Weg laufen könnte. =)
Austria hands down. You got Hitler, the most powerful evil dictator ever in history. Then you have Schwarzenegger, the most powerful evil entertainer in history.

Oh pls come on
Yes he was austrian, but when he was living @ austria he was a poor student and nobody took him serious
then he went 2 germany...whatever the rest is history
and when u talk about these perv guys like the "nice" man on the pic
gues how many kids in thailand and so on are forced 2 sell their bodys or are raped by their own parents?
but nobody talks about that

and not everyone in austria is a nazi, poor prejudices
I have a Scottish friend who's in Finland, and one of his teachers is Austrian (yay globalization). She asked her students what important people they knew had been born in Austria.

Everyone said Hitler and Arnie. And to her dismay, nobody even remembered Mozart :D

So, yeah, here's to you:

ppl always combine austria with this persons
it's annoying -.-"

but the biggest shit i got to hear:

where are u from?
oooh i love kangaroos

geographic fail! :rofl:
Das dümmste was ich in letzter Zeit gehört hab, war: "Na, fährste über Weihnachten wieder heim ins Reich?" (Arbeitskollege von mir vor Weihnachten) und "Alles fest in Deutscher Hand?" (der gleiche Arbeitskollege). Das krieg ich durchaus öffter gesteckt. Aber was solls, Retourkutsche folgt meist prompt!