Get it out

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002

Please type in the lyrics of a song, maybe just a verse or maybe just a chorus that you can absolutely relate to. One that every time you hear it you think 'yep, that pretty much says it right'.

Not just lyrics that you think sound good, im talking about something that youve heard that really puts it in perspective for you
Days into weeks of Sunday afternoons
Nothing much for us to say nothing real for us to do
Just watch the carousel go round and round in endless circles
in the pupil of the Deadeye until you just feel numb
It's virtual Jerusalem. There's not much trouble anymore
it's mostly the blissed out stuff that people really go for
and the juggernaut tyranny of oblivion 4/4

New Model Army - R&R
the thing i have as a sig it's really good i think. it's from neurosis, a dead good band. song's called "a sun that never sets".
the unseen,the eternal river of understanding
persevering dying escape
forever tempting fate...

kill me with your thoughts
use your mind
hand me over to this world
into death...

whats yours mick?
Solitude was never seen as lonelinessAnd things need timeAnd time leads to other thingsAnd playing rolesWhich are limitedBy the poor fund of knowledgeIn this sick, sick worldWe all fall downOnce in a whileEscaping the law of the unexplained pains.
If tomorrow never shows
I want you all to know
That I loved you all, you're beautifull
And I had myself a ball

I've wasted so much precious time
Been skating along these fine lines
Now these weeds have grown where the sun once shown
And my life has passed me by

And my life has passed me by
And I don't know why
I keep searching for something that I never found
While these weeds get deeper as I turn around
And time growns older and I've grown colder
So long has passed that I forgot to count

These weeds have grown where the sun once shown
And I can feel it
This space between us

Today I cut off all the ties
Been led blind for all this time
But somewhere in between the lies
Are the hearts and minds of those who tried

And although I've heard your lies...
"well you're my friend, that's what you told me anyway"

thinking about

"Don’t tell your man what he don’t do right
Nor tell him all the things that make you cry
But check yourself for your own shit
And don’t be making out like it’s all his"

No one knows what it's like
No one knows how it feels
Nothing else could compare to the fears I fear
And I've been on my own
Struggling all alone
And all I have are these clothes on my back and this song
I never had much I never believed I could be
Someone, somehow, somebody
Said goodbye to all my childhood hopes and dreams
Time to grow up and accept real life responsibilities
Won't you listen to the things I have to say
'cause it just might affect the way that you think about
How you live from day to day
It may be easy for you
But it seems like hell to me
Yes, I'm falling... how much longer till I hit the ground? I can't tell you why I'm breaking down. Do you wonder why I prefer to be alone? Have I really lost control?
And if you gonna quit
I dont give a shit
what the fuck i'm a macktruck
are you gonna give up like a bitch
and jump da fuck up.

because too many people dont care about an upcoming war...
I went protesting again yesterday. and it were only half of the people then several weeks ago. fuck them. then ive more sympathy for those extremists then theose commoners
and because I'm going to Soulfly this evening this one popped in my head.

Beyond this beautiful horizon
lies a dream for you and i
this tranquil scene is still

unbroken by the rumours in the sky
but there's a storm closing in

voices crying on the wind
the serenade is growing colder

breaks my soul that tries to sing
and there's so many many thoughts
when I try to go to sleep
but with you I start to feel
a sort of temporary peace
there's a drift in and out

Well. Some friendships are hard to maintain. Cause there are lot of difficulties. And your friends are sending out signals which can be either good or bad. And thats makes it even harder. But after all you know they are for real real.
the_good_son141 said:
whats yours mick?

I dont know. Without sounding like a complete TWAT, i think some of my lyrics from a track on 'Lights out' (Dream) totally says it for me, but thats obvious because its me who wrote them -

'How it's changed from my dream,
Did I stray from the path laid out for me?
How it's changed, did I fail in some way?'

Its about reaching adulthood and finding its nothing like you expected it to be when you were a child. So in fact are you a complete fuck up. It's about feeling you've lost your way bigtime

But that doesnt count does it, as I was asking about stuff people have heard that they can relate to.

One thing that always sticks is ..

'I was searching through the heavens, and somehow I slipped'

That is completely and utterly what hapened to me too.

I just think its good when you hear something in a song and you realise youre not the only one, it halves the burden.
Lyrics - Wilson, music - Edwin, Wilson

This is a hate song just meant for you
I thought that I'd write it down while I still could
I hope when you hear this you'll want to sue

Oh it's a lonely life in my empty bed
And it's a quiet life that leaks from my head
These are the last rites
The line is dead

Yes, I'm hearing voices too
And I'm more cut up than you
so right...growing sucks,starting from the day you get a job and that.too much compromise and i cant take it! i decided to go this way,but i long for breakthroughs all the time...damn imagine what will happen when i decide to go on a do you cope with all this things without losing yourself?i dunno yet.
"If it's all just a game-
Every day remains the same

for me it's about living your life as you feel it combined with the necesary deepness, and not just play a role and eventually getting stuck in rules attached to that image.