Your lyrics- thread part III

Humble High Price Paid

quiet girl, she is
her minds nature
placid inner ba
she will sit silently
at her hearts weighing
though she's here-
just, he never asked
her about her,
was she even there?
he made it clear.
Yeah, he talked openly
of his vanity pervasive,
she could see his all,
she spoke of his heart
but truth be told as well.
What did he want?
She's non-assumptive
she won't push to be heard
of herself, she is silent,
but she knows what she has.
Should she have spoken of it?
Spread it all around like a whore?
But did he ever want to know?
She slowly tried to open
but he slammed her shut
everything she revealed
to be comdemned,
his silencing beatings
a small peek out, she,
he'd stomped it out
over again over again,
But did he ever want to know?
No, he's a master of guilt displacement,
Blame displacement, the master he is.
So you shut up, shut up, just shut up!

Why doesn't he just shut up for once?
Can you listen?

Who would you have me speak of myself too?
after you?
What kind of arrogance do you think I possess?
should possess?
After you were through?

I'm humble, now, even,
you can't see me?
then just please look
what you've done,
your weapons I've learned
to hurl back at you,
a trade most vile,
disgusting myself with it,
you're essence coursing through me,
you sick, sick
I hate your fucking sickness!

Your Path with me
paved in my blood
designed by you
cut with your blade
and you will be sucking
my blood forever
my brother of blood lust
in selfish cruelty, full insanity.
A guarantee you've made this
our attachment throughout time
through lifetimes to come
because of what you've done,
our karmas bound tightly
never to come undone.

Your stinger will not extract
without the end of you,
your self-destruct
your habit
your face
your perpetuation
of all you hate,

The start,
don't you remember?
with your first letter,
your innate disgrace.

So much
I miss you
so much,
but I still miss you so much.


Sterren schitteren even als ze sterven
Een laatste zucht in de richting
Van oneindigheid en nagevolg
Een spectraal spektakel
Een sprankeling van lichtscherven

Energie die zich verplaatst
Enkel door te willen worden ontvangen
Dansend haar als vlammen
Echoën door reflectie
Worden door aantrekkingskracht weerkaatst

Hoe meer de Zon haar goudgele armen spreidt
Alsof Shiva onstopbaar de elementen
In golven van een kosmische oceaan
Beweging inzet om patronen te doen vluchten
Des te groter de ingang van mijn ziel die opensplijt

Spaarzaam, maar zeker groter groeiend
Is de ruimte tussen Hemel en Aarde
Waar de tranen van mens en engel versmelten
Er bestaat geen lichtluchtiger plek
Hier vermengt fragiele liefde zich vloeiend

Soms valt ze weg, een dragende hand
Soms stijgt ze verder dan mijn longen hebben kunnen
De ijle lucht van puur licht verblindt mijn hart
Verloren van vertrouwen grijp ik naar houvast
Innerlijk verstand verbreedt mijn zielenland

En als de Zon weer even is verdwenen
En ik in gedachten de sterren groet
Een plaatsvervangend onvermogen
In mijn ogen voel ik even jouw schittering verschenen
Mijn hand die de jouwe vasthebben moet

pieter | 2004
Half- light’s crawling towards the day

I don’t mind it anymore

A lifeline’s blurry eye is covering

Unable to break the waste away

I’m sitting here like I did before

Starring through some silent words

What they tell I cannot say

What they mean I do not dare

To realise, they do not care

It’s an invalid lie

I granted to deceive my mind

I know it’s just wrong

But I won’t let it stop

I know it’s all wrong

And it’s spiralling down

Days are flying by in clear blue skies

Faster, so that I can no longer hide

Everyone seems to live his own lie

And I keep on sitting here, not answering the phone

Every day I awake resolving to resist

But when I wash my face and for a moment gaze into my eyes

Just then I know it will persist

And so I take my empty seat
Hmmm I resist to the temptation of publicize things written by me for our forthcoming demo-cd.... and I'll write you this: something very easy just tracked down on a 7 hour train ride this summer while outside it was raining a lot (so the train went along veeery slowly...)
No philosophical intents, I mean.. just something instinctual and somewhat banal..

Rain falls in summer
Sunflowers bow their heads in grief
A yellow prayer, I'll save it for me
How grey feels this summer
Grey as the clouds now covering me
Grey as the eyes where I'll no longer stare

A train passes silent
No signs to show the way is free
Rocked by its weaving, how can I sleep?
But tonight I'm not sober
Drunk of the thoughts that flow through me
This wine, a poison: without I could not be

Rain falls this summer
At last it slowly takes away
Your scent from my hands, a glimpse of relief
But I want to see, I want to hear
Deceits, reasons, regrets and fears
From your voice, again...

PS: the song (for in seven hours I had also the time to track down a vocal line) should turn out as an easy Sentenced-like tune... think I'll sell it to them
PPS it's dedicated to my brother, who was left by his girlfriend just this summer...