Your lyrics- thread part III

HIM everyone got his own HIM... His hypocratic infernal majesty...

I call them just fuckers... nothing else, becaues it is the only thing they got in their minds... There is nothing but drive... :err:
Souls... die
Souls suffer before death
Waiting for your agony to end
But, it always stays here with you
Cannot compromise
For, your fate is destroying you

Never see the day when you smile
You freed me from your pains and sorrow

I... cry
When I think of your pleasant face
Oh, where have you gone, my love?
Far away from me...
Don’t know what I’ve done to be
Hurting for the while...
Nothing they can do to make me smile

Crushed my heart
Falsened what was true
Breaking my grip on my life
Torn up by a knife

But, you’re all I had
Joyous, replacing thoughts of the bad
Now, I’m on my own
Surprised how much my mind has grown
Now, my only fear...
Is no painful thought in you, dear
Wish you down to hell...
There, you’ll blend with all the other



Get away

Made of glass...
Shattered now...
This, you’ve done to destroy me

Out my wounds...
Stained of blood...
From the steal I tasted

Pitiful thoughts of flesh
Enraptured life of death
Tortured to the end...
As you suffer in denial

The time has come for you to fade away
Distanced by a line of difference
We have grown apart from the start
What you haven’t seen is our demise

Memories of all we have been through and seen
Tarnished are the once-loved remembrances
Vacant hearts – lost in the tears of fate
Lost in the Tears of Reality

Living off the tortures I have been dealt
Mirror to all I despise
Shadowed by what is not I
Why have I lost myself?

I forever...
...have started...
...raining sadness
Mental oceans...
...are regretful

Dissolved into...
...lost visions.
Broken sculptures.
Pieces crumble... our lives’ rusted structures

Defaced columns…
…of my heart…
Fluid torment
Vocal daggers of destruction…
…come to take your life.

Look what you’ve done
I’ve died for dreaming...
Dreams of laughter...
Lived out sorrow

Betrayal is now your focus in life
Hellish blazing fires bursting through my eyes
Burning free your flesh to melt away my disease
Stealing now, your deepest cherished desires

Freezing yourself in time, past of laughs and more
Currently defeating all we had in store
Later on, you will see- you have then been dimmed
That’s the time you’ll realize...
I’m no longer him.

Pain feasts on me
Hunger you now feed
Life- what you see
Death- reach to me

Tinted glass…
Fades you out…
This is done to forget you
Can be cruel…
When you’re hurt
By a friend who once healed you

Wishful thoughts of past
These damaged hopes now last
What shall now be done?
A gallows’s structure has begun

Your rope
My life

Your time

The call
You fall

Words erased from stone
Chisel brand new thoughts of my own
Forget all you’ve said
Brush the dust of hate I’ve been fed
Now, what do you fear?
Is thee hurt in what you now hear?
Who cares if I’ve cried?
Wouldn’t even phase you if I died

Ruled my life
From the cards you drew
Looking down at you in spite
Make believe
You are gone from sight

I’ve… bled
Dripping through the veins of my dread
Floor has now been soaked
Stained here by the life you have choked
Deep regret in mind?
Bother none, for you will not find
My forgiving side
What you search for has been destroyed

Eyes will see you now through the fire
Let’s see what goal in life you retire

You like what you see?
Fragments of what I used to be
I move on in life
Future hopeful for a wife
Family of my own
Treasures for this man to be sewn
There’s no place for you
So I let you fade away

From my life…
Here’s the grave I am digging
Just for you…
Tomb of stone…
Unmarked grave is all for you

Pieces of my life
Glued here by the dark
Alone I shall stay
Writing of my heart that’s been frayed

“I have forever been lost within the tears of my own reality”

Futile strikes
Each for the rights
Proving a point for what we all fear

Deliver a gift
Through air it shifts
Defeating the purpose and what we all hear

Ripping away
Washing decay
Determines the future and what's to be done

Paving the path
For a fragrant bloodbath
Smelling the death in what we've begun

Forming the hatred in shades of melting flesh
Destined for torture are those who could survive
Scanning the ruins, watching for signs of life
Befriend the reaper, for he is on your side

Casting them down
On to the ground
Meeting the town
Bodies around

Destroying lives
Tearing the mothers from their child’s arms
Nothing to last
Take a look around
What you enjoy most - gone forever

Holy man - question my religion
Kill my people for not wanting your God
Millions are dying while praying to live
So why should we look to the lies?

Bending our souls
Conform to your beliefs

They'll shoot you down then burn your home
If you do not see the light
Rules to protect the weak, to destroy the strong
And condemn all those that think
Why must we bow down throughout these times
When your light turns to darkness

Escaping the hand of god
Pages of unspoken guides
Lies, lies, lies

Die inside

Live our lives in fear of the ones we trust
And we wash away in our sea of doubt
Stop spreading faith while I start to sketch
A Painting of Winter's Darkness

Banish thee
Worthless preacher

Blocking you out
Out of our minds
In to the grave
Deeper with time

Draw the line
For you and your kind
Say what you bring to us
Things we cannot trust

You defend all you cannot see
Then you condemn all we want to believe

Book of fiction
Your contradiction
False religion

Stealing hopes and visions from the youthful
Descend down the staircase to our fate

Winding path
Troubled past

Friends of Jesus Christ
Savior of all your minds

Dictate lives

Paint has now been dried
As the stained blood of all who’s died
In your wars of hate

Hang this painting high
As we wait to see the end of life
On Earth as we know it

Drill in to your brain
Hopes gone down the drain
Pointing all the blame
It will never be the same...
someone mentioned it already, yes, it's not that easy to write poems in german, it sounds kinda clumsy to me, not that there're no good rhymes at all, but..
huh, it took time untill i decided to post here, wrote it today.
pls, have mercy on me, i'm poor at english ;) .

see a face in the mirror
guestion myself
and get no response
seems my thoughts are leaving
no clear outlines here
but a blank page without marks

lose my way in a silent disorder
and yet follow your eyes
maybe i'm still not aware
that you spread sand into mine

i put up with my strange charade
of weakness, on and on
hear sounds of violence now
and touch watery clouds
See- saw

Where are you?

It’s the last thing I could know

Phasing stars

Facing me

Need a thought to sort it out

My mind is empty

True turns false once again

And I know it won’t do no good to me

Since I’ve been there I’ve been asking why

Is it true or just me praying for another lie

I can’t feel warm nor does it all make sense

What am I doing, telling me it’s just a coincidence?

I feel all alone

Thoughts swaying away

I cannot remember the other day

I wonder what you’re doing

Whoever you might be

Just fleeing for a place to escape

Can it go more wrong?

I’m wasting time

Can’t wait for another sign

I have to come to terms

Soon to come

Could you please make it all undone?
Frodnat said:
HIM everyone got his own HIM... His hypocratic infernal majesty...

I call them just fuckers... nothing else, becaues it is the only thing they got in their minds... There is nothing but drive... :err:

according to your own opinion and experience or.. ?

o.k. i for sure agree with your second statement but to have some kind of "hypocratic infernal majesty" on your side just for the couple-principle's sake, makes no sense at all.
so i give up my certain HIM :loco: .
Secretly here it is my sanity
I thought I would brake
I thought it was my mistake
I thought the world would fall apart

The filth…

The scars were so deep
I couldn´t speak
Just hints to strangers who might could understand


They turned me into a stone
Lying on the floor
Freezing, bleeding, dying

I focussed on details
I survived
The genocide


No one ever will understand
As long as two souls will collide
The journey is long and time seems faster

I am the master of my own world
The creator of all I have to search

The sword I had here in my arms
And swords are my thoughts as I remain calm

I will leave you lying rotten on the floor
Screaming for emotional dependency for help,
for sympathy, for more...

All you will get from me
Is partial distaste
and the footsteps
That I will leave behind...

as long as you try
you will feel the hate
as long as you remain...
I will survive

As I walk towards
Towards the ones
Towards the sun

Towards myself

You are living scum !!! DIE !!!
It is crap, but there are some positive things in it...
Achernar said:

:confused: :grin: :confused:

NO GOD!!! I HATE "HIM" bleee...... ;
I like this thread, go on ppl :)

here's something I wrote last year...

When silence comes again
And the days never seem to end
When the natural chaos of thoughts
Turns into bored screams
Then my emotions went away
To where they saw you
Waiting for the end of loneliness
Again the quest to a new paradise has begun
And when I will pass the gate to your heart once more
All what I missed, all what I was longing for
Will turn back to my existence
Seeking Dream

Walking alone through unimagined fields of disillusion
Feelings twisted in deep despair
Remembering the tragedy of an empty smile
Endless emptiness

Duality of words
Shades of life
Elusive love
Tortured me

I sought comfort in helplessness

Silent Hope

I saw you as light in the dark
Unjustified confirmation of life
A dream of related existence
Awoken from comfort of indifference

Standing alive letting hope overshadow fear
Living in dream
Seeking expression to make you real
Dreaming you larger
Allan said:
Silent Hope

I saw you as light in the dark
Unjustified confirmation of life
A dream of related existence
Awoken from comfort of indifference

Standing alive letting hope overshadow fear
I like these lines...

I don´t like the end.

Dreams are dreams, only slight imagination of what the future may bring. But reality is most of the time different from imagination in one way or another...:err:
Allan said:
Thank you for your nice words.

That second one was sort of daft, it's sort of a translation of sth I wrote in Danish a while back.
Ever listened to "White Cluster" by Opeth (Still Life) Your poem reminds me on that song...
Casino Deluxe

"Your eyes have seen the neon scenes
Your dollars spent on slot machines
Place your bets and let the dice roll
In 1 to 6 you're out of soul

I hear you calling
I can see you through my dice
I feel like running
But I can taste you like champagne on ice

I wanna buy your soul
I wanna see you ride the ball
Down in the Casino Deluxe"

Wanagitamakoce-Wakpa (world of spirits - river)

we lay you down in auburn
nagi's hands along your back thymus
mine across the anti of same
you blend and float
as if you belonged.

You woke like a killer
alerted to escaping victim
and as you rose from the waters
to stand against us
nagi said
"just let him know
we are here.
He doesn't know....
as I didn't know
the day matt
crouched by my side
as I reassembled myself
from those twelve scatters."
Nagi watches me learn
what kind of soul this boy possessed.
Fighter, fighter, fighter, fear...
you don't want,
you don't want to be helped.
Don't touch.

George tells me
they told him to not help,
the star people watch me?
Asking who they are
his eyes met mine with concern, an attempt
at false calming to my scrambling soul.

George and Gilly talk.
I worry.
The nagi comes then and there
but I can't hear him
till two years past.
I saw you there, the sundance,
you're by Gilly's side.
Nagi, tell me.
Even you can't touch him?
He can't touch you.

"he knows me not"

In the woods I stand
at the oracle wall.
O comes and takes me there.
You gripping of nightmare,
running through tunnels of darkness,
bellowing, crouching, fear beyond.
Sweating cold upon your bed, uncovered
I lay down longing your back
my heart pressing against yours.
I'm asking oracle. what is...?
"He came alone."
"He chose."
Then who is?

Oracles can only deliver you to the answers,
not give them.

She said you'd keep many secrets.
It troubled her but she said to let it go,
"men must have their secrets sometimes."
I already know your deepest secrets.
except not.

Your river runs to me,
A veil of white transparent light
like an aurora descending
into my room
always seeking my body,
I shirk away,
This YOU say.
Your river runs to me.
converging in a why
we do.

---by: rebecca
End Song ?

How did they let you slip?
How did this tragedy fill
rainbows of hope of life
with so stagnant so nothing?
Did they declare you deceased?
Were they so cowardly
They couldn't grasp
you'd opened your precious lungs
to your own pyre smoke?
Suffocating in their sight...
couldn't perceive how
the burning was caving
as the rains pounded down
on that mind taking it down
a muddy slide off the edge
to the canyon floor
in one mangled mess.

You've said, "don't bother,
too much,
you don't understand
how badly i'm ...."

Looking over the edge
at how hollow that life,
I wonder how and how,
But I know the key,
will you allow me
to place it in your hand?
It carries simple form
simple sound
simply beautiful.
All the shreds,
mesh of sieve
where your life drains out
to fill with
solid ground, light,
organic breathable space.

---by: rebecca


Even Now, In Disbelief (Tuff Love)

Days like this
your radar reaching out,
the back of your two forefingers
pressing against your lips,
I can feel all you feel
on days like this.

You sit still staring
in disbelief at me, at yourself.
It's a grimace hard to read
somewhat mocking yet verging cry
a shamefulness all rolled together
Guilt, you exude.

Baby, it's okay,
when will you learn
how it's okay with me.

You don't want it to be, no,
but don't you know who i am?



Sung Manitu Tanka

Could be different,
could be looking through clouds,
thick levels settled
well below the peaks.
Isn't it this? when
the breathing is ease
and your soul wide awake,
even through this obscurity
of broken space puzzle,
through this distance peering across,
from your place of a vantage....
...On your couch, within,
a dreaming seeping
into my back and sight,
webs of auburn
where my hands settle
along unevenness,
the striking contrasts
of a traveler's mind.
I feel torn in various directions
to how you lean
on your elbow over the back,
staring at my profile.
You're profiling me.
Is it that easy?
I'm mesmerized by this
couch contact
a high unmeasured
in your tiny world
of all there is to know.
Alpha Wolf,
he devours endlessly and everything
hours of life slipping by
consumed by his own black tunneling,
he could still take all armies
even in this state of misery.
He remains unsatiated.
Wolf, you own my soul
and i don't even want it back.
I love it more
watching you taste it
watching it's bloody viscera
seeping out of your jaws.

nine inch nails - starfuckers inc.

My God sits in the back of the limousine
My God comes in a wrapper of cellophane
My God pouts on the cover of the magazine
My God is a shallow little bitch trying to make a scene

I have arrived and this time you should believe the hype
I listened to everyone now I know that everyone was right
I'll be there for you as long as it works for me
I play a game it's called insincerity

Starfuckers, Inc.

I am every fucking thing and just a little more
I sold my soul but don't you dare call me a whore
And when I suck you off not a drop will go to waste
It's really not so bad you know once you get past the taste, yeah

Starfuckers, Inc.

All our pain
How did we ever get by without you?
You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you?
Don't you?
Don't you?
Don't you?

Now I belong, I'm one of the chosen ones
Now I belong, I'm one of the beautiful ones
Funny That

Holding up my hand
I hope to receive
your fingertips pressing
into mine,
though I reach toward a mystery
my fingers stroking down
your fascination
from third eye downward
so unusual,
across your prana
your teeth delicately revealing
all that surrounds them
in time will spill
such viciousness unfathomable.
What lies behind arms,
the auburn
lovely flowing ?
my fingers brushing along
your eyebrows
to rest on a pulse, templewise
turning within
a cyclone, in this state
you are never alone.
Impenetrable wall,
would your eyes
dare reveal a truth
of yourself which
didn't hunt
didn't run
didn't cover
didn't fear
didn't dismiss
did want
did ask
did love?
