get off our backs!!!!!!!!

Should they leave us the hell alone?

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New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2007
Dont u wish people will GET A LIFE? i resently lost a job cos i was too 'punk'. come on is that a valid reason?get over it we r allowed 2 show our true selves n its none of their busness!
I believe you should be free to dress however you want to when you have a job. To an extent at least.
^Yeah, no use complaining, if you want to work for a company, follow their policies. On the other hand, discrimination is an outrage, I've been there, mainly for my hair length.
I fucking hate punks; especially gutter punks... The scene is dead, has been dead, and will remain dead - move the fuck on.

Most punks today anyway are little bitches to begin with; hell, at least the speed and alcohol will quicken the fleshbags release from this mortal coil. You would think the punk spirit and ideology was alive and kicking - truth be told every single punk I've ever met has been a complete and utter dumbass, whose just fed up with mommy and daddy - this is especially true of most squatters I've met.
I fucking hate punks; especially gutter punks... The scene is dead, has been dead, and will remain dead - move the fuck on.

Most punks today anyway are little bitches to begin with; hell, at least the speed and alcohol will quicken the fleshbags release from this mortal coil. You would think the punk spirit and ideology was alive and kicking - truth be told every single punk I've ever met has been a complete and utter dumbass, whose just fed up with mommy and daddy - this is especially true of most squatters I've met.

I guess if you met me, I'd be the smartest Punk you ever met. I don't listen to much Punk, I don't have a Mohawk, I don't go around saying Punk is not dead because its been dead for a while but the definition of a Punk is a person that breaks rules or is rebellious.
if a punk is a person who breaks rules and is rebellious then of course that person is not attractive from the employers side. it speaks for itself
At this Catholic school I went to we had to cut our hair to make the school look like a bunch of good well groomed kids so parents would enroll their students there (every time they told us all to cut our hair was 1 or 2 weeks before a tour for parents). Stupid fuckers, they told us they wanted us to "feel equal", noone gets intimidated by hair length, who cares? It was just something the principal made up to cover up the fact that it was all the schools image.

I didn't mind the uniform but in my opinion they have no right to fuck with something as permanent as hair length, although hair grows back they wouldn't let us grow it over our ears or past our eyebrows. I mean a uniform you can change out of but its not like after school I could magically grow back inches of hair.

They were a bunch of bitches carving their stupid views into us. Giving us a religion class where we learn about the flaws of all religions and all the good aspects of Catholicism.

They got really pissed at me when I told my kindergarten buddy not to listen to any stuff they told us in mass. But if he was too smart to listen to an 8th grade Agnostic like I was then, then he would be too smart to listen to a hypocritical narcissistic religion.
me and my mates in school have gotten hastle from day one, you get over it

I had to get stitches in my head once from a boy who threw a brick at me and shouted 'goff'

it was bad at the time, but i seriously just cant be arsed with them anymore
me and my mates in school have gotten hastle from day one, you get over it

I had to get stitches in my head once from a boy who threw a brick at me and shouted 'Goff'

it was bad at the time, but i seriously just cant be arsed with them anymore

Revenge is sweet....Lady.....:kickass:....:)
Dont u wish people will GET A LIFE? i resently lost a job cos i was too 'punk'. come on is that a valid reason?get over it we r allowed 2 show our true selves n its none of their busness!

its all about image, as long as you didn't go to work looking like a right tosser and left your privet life at home.

and it is their business "IF" its their Business...:lol:
There is a work dress/look CODE and you should abide by that code or just don't work there.

when you work for someone you belong to that person/Business from the start of your job to the one is telling can't be wot you wont to be after work....maybe your better off starting your own Business.....Be your own BOSS..:headbang::kickass:

good luck with your next job.
I think the compnay has a certain right over how their empolyees look. I mean, if you were working with people, someone who had a "Serpents of the Light" t-shirt on may offend some customers and loose them business.

I guess if you met me, I'd be the smartest Punk you ever met. I don't listen to much Punk, I don't have a Mohawk, I don't go around saying Punk is not dead because its been dead for a while but the definition of a Punk is a person that breaks rules or is rebellious.

So... Are you even a punk then? :lol:
They were a bunch of bitches carving their stupid views into us. Giving us a religion class where we learn about the flaws of all religions and all the good aspects of Catholicism.


It's a catholic school. What in fucks name did you expect?

For them to be liberal and accepting of your personal image?
Well having gone to public schools 6 years before I went to a Catholic I didn't know what to expect. 7th grade was alright, because I didn't want to grow my hair long because I wasn't into Metal or anything but in 8th grade I did. Also I had a teacher who could barely read, and was really stupid and too afraid to question the religion at all. They enforced the rules more in 8th grade too, in 7th grade my hair had grown almost an inch over my eyes and they didn't care but in 8th grade they made me cut it if it went over my eyebrows. Also in 7th grade I was an Athiest and enforced my beliefs and they didn't care but in 8th grade I was Agnostic and they wouldn't let me tell people to really think about if God existed. Now I have my own beliefs, pretty close to Islam but not Islam.