get off our backs!!!!!!!!

Should they leave us the hell alone?

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My point is, you can't really whine about a catholic school enforcing they're beliefs about catholicism on you. It's the point of a catholic school.

And it's probably a case of they don't give two shits about year 7's.
Have you gone to a Catholic school? Not all do this. And just because its the point of it I can't complain? Explain.
Most do, and this is coming from someone with experience. Hell, in 2nd & 3rd grade I was not only forced to learn every god damn thing about Israel I could imagine (I was literally forced to do it in the principles office because I had refused previously), we had to then learn such easy subjects like algebra 2, calculus, trig, and many many other subjects that no one in 3rd grade really understands. Maybe they wanted to send us to Israel in hopes to build a better wall to keep those damn palestinians out! The weekly plays all the students had to perform in were also a fine example of shit I did not want to do.

Honestly, there is nothing like having your school built around a gigantic church that could fit half the schoolyard at any time.

Could I expect anything less though? Aside from the insane school programs and classes, I couldn't; it was a catholic school for christ's sakes, it was the main reason the school acted the way it did (well, that and some kickass funding apparently).
The people who aren't familiar with metalmusic should really shut the traps. Haha, I just laugh at them. I think they're entertaining.
2 years ago, I got called satanist 3 times in 1 day because I wore a Metallica hoody. Haha.

But yeah. I don't bitch and moan about others wearing Gstar Raw shit, so they shouldn't bitch about my style of clothing. But if somebody tell me I got too tight pants, I don't care.

I've learned to ignore it fully. I just can't give a fucking damn.
TBH, it's self explanatory.

It's like saying "I bought this lamp, but it lights up my room! I'M SO OFF!!!!".

You're moaning because something that is meant to happen at catholic school happened.

Explain to me, why you think you have the right to complain.

Its not as if I chose to go there. Why do I have the right to complain?

1) Because it annoyed me
2) Because there was no logical reason besides their teachings

And really don't use abbreviations, they're really annoying.

Seraphim just complained about the same thing yet you aren't annoying him.

Please don't respond at all, this thread is for discussion about dressing the way you want to and stuff like that, I am not going to start getting into an argument.
Half of this conversation is about Work and the other half is about School...It did start with...I recently LOST MY JOB for his Punk appearance but the thing is, they all have the same result you must abide by the DRESS CODE, except a public school they have GROUP CODES METAL/PUNK/GOTH/NERDS/CHEERLEADERS/JOCKS/GEEKS All have your own DODE that you live by, Evan the Teachers have a DRESS CODE.

imagine your woodwork Teacher coming to School dressed as your sports/Phys ED Teacher or the Big Boss coming to work dressed as a skivvy/lackey/road sweeper It's just not done.

my 2p worth.
Well having gone to public schools 6 years before I went to a Catholic I didn't know what to expect. 7th grade was alright, because I didn't want to grow my hair long because I wasn't into Metal or anything but in 8th grade I did. Also I had a teacher who could barely read, and was really stupid and too afraid to question the religion at all. They enforced the rules more in 8th grade too, in 7th grade my hair had grown almost an inch over my eyes and they didn't care but in 8th grade they made me cut it if it went over my eyebrows. Also in 7th grade I was an Athiest and enforced my beliefs and they didn't care but in 8th grade I was Agnostic and they wouldn't let me tell people to really think about if God existed. Now I have my own beliefs, pretty close to Islam but not Islam.

Your teacher could barely read? How did he/she get their degree, let alone their teaching certificate? And we wonder why our education system is failing.

Back to the topic though, when I was living in Grand Haven, Michigan 10 years ago, some kid got kicked out of the high school in nearby Zeeland for wearing a Korn t-shirt- which only had the band's name on it. The school's principal called the band "insulting". The kid sued the school, MTV and the ACLU got involved, and Korn issued a cease and desist order against the principal. If the shirt had had something graphic on it, I could see where the school might've had a point, but just the band's name? The school could very well have decided the next week that Garth Brooks was offensive- after all I doubt that anyone seriously thinks that "Friends In Low Places" is about drinking lemonade(Zeeland is a dry town).
Dont u wish people will GET A LIFE? i resently lost a job cos i was too 'punk'. come on is that a valid reason?get over it we r allowed 2 show our true selves n its none of their busness!

Dude ive been looking for jobs recently ' to get some more cash', and i had a interveiw today for a butchers job, my job "case manager" advized me that it would be good to take my percings out and shit. I just nodded and agreed.

Got to the interveiw I knew I wasnt gona change for anyone..I dont give a f**k who they are. jezzz the would let a muzlim dress how ever they wanted to for what ever job they applied for.

Im gona leave them in if i get the job...I think they would suit quite well with being a Butcher haha :heh:
I know I wasn't meant to reply, but this annoyed me.

2) Because there was no logical reason besides their teachings

There's no logic to religion in general.
Don't expect it.

Seraphim just complained about the same thing yet you aren't annoying him.

No, he partially complained about learning about israel (Not religion) and partially about the hardness (word?) about of the work.
Plus, at the end of it he conceded:
Could I expect anything less though?... I couldn't; it was a catholic school for christ's sakes, it was the main reason the school acted the way it did (well, that and some kickass funding apparently).
I hate people who have nothing better to do than to bitch about how long my hair is. and there is only 2 people who do it, my heqad of year, and 1 of my bosses at work. my head of year has given up. but my fucking boss is a dickhead who keeps complaining about my hair, hes such a faggot and should get off my back.
I hate people who have nothing better to do than to bitch about how long my hair is. and there is only 2 people who do it, my heqad of year, and 1 of my bosses at work. my head of year has given up. but my fucking boss is a dickhead who keeps complaining about my hair, hes such a faggot and should get off my back.

Where do you work?