get ready

it's such a huge fucking bummer how bands really eat people alive. this situation sucks and i'm really bummed that i missed nevermore last time but if people knew how much shit actually goes on in bands they'd be horrified at how much goes on behind the scenes (i'm even in a band and know all the ridiculously terrible things yet i even don't think about it sometimes). it makes me have even more respect for the bands like nevermore who did manage to make music, record and tour together for this long; it is no easy feat when 4 dudes with lives have to work together through the most unfair and difficult hardships just to play music (which then for some turns into an ego, money or other motive driven activity).
All I need is Warrel. He was Nevermore to me. Now Jeff can do do his wanky shit and I can have my godly singer in peace.

Not that Jeff didn't write great songs, but Warrel is all I need.
Can we not start the whole one side against the other again please? Both disrespectful and downright dumb.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to do that. I'm just saying as long as Warrel is in the band, it will feel like Nevermore, and that's good enough for me.

But hey, I have Vortex back in Borky, nothing else matters anymore. <3
I doubt it. They split to do their own solo albums a couple of years ago and even that break obviously wasn't enough to reconcile personal and artistic differences. Not saying it'll never happen, but definitely not in the short-term.

You know what, though? Fuck it, man. They're a band and they made great music together. There's nothing set in stone that says they can't still write great music while apart in different bands. I, for one, can't wait to hear a new Nevermore album now...a first in about 6 years. I'm fucking stoked.
Nah it's not that type of forum. Many people love those albums...I like TGE as well. It's definitely their most accomplished technically-speaking.
TGE is fine. ToC? It still hasn't grown on me, and I'm not so sure that it will. I can count the enjoyable songs on half of a hand, and continuing the trend of post-6 string Nevermore, it's always the slow songs.
I have to admit, I'm really interested what this next album will sound like. I'm going to get rocks thrown at me for this, but why not add some keyboard? Nothing too cheesy, just some organ or synth? Won't happen, anyway. But it wouldn't hurt to throw it on a song or two, if they didn't use it as a crutch like Opeth did.

We all know I hate TGE, but TOC didn't grow on me much better. Moonrise is wonderful and The Maiden Spoke is good but the rest of it gets no plays.

There's nothing I REALLY dislike on it, but it feels so cut and paste, and rushed. And I'm sorry to bring this up, but I feel it was that way because of Jeff. Enemies was great because he was allowed to go ape shit was staying riffy, TGE simply was ape shit, and TOC it seemed like he was holding back on his riffing which is usually good in theory, but made it seem like his heart didn't go into the album.

This is all baseless, but I think Jeff needs to be free to have his own band to do what he wants with not including his solo project. I'd like Warrel and Jim to be the sole dictators of the next album because they simply aren't going to bring in a guitarist I like. Not a chance. I'm expecting a washed up thrash player no one cares about anymore. Of course Tim Calvert would be ideal, though.

K, I'm done, sorry.