I just read this from Timo Kotipelto's site:
"On a friday evening Janne, Antti (Janne´s brother) and Max (the engineer) had a nice little "after-hard-work-drinking-session" at my place. After few beers, Caipinhas, vodkas etc...we ended up at the local Metal Bar. Janne somehow disappeared before they closed the doors.
Next morning he phoned me and told me that he was in a hospital and propably his leg is broken...well...it was "only" fractured but he can´t walk and he has to use the walking sticks for some weeks. What a nice party! You see: when you are making "Kotipelto-album", anything can happen..."
"On a friday evening Janne, Antti (Janne´s brother) and Max (the engineer) had a nice little "after-hard-work-drinking-session" at my place. After few beers, Caipinhas, vodkas etc...we ended up at the local Metal Bar. Janne somehow disappeared before they closed the doors.
Next morning he phoned me and told me that he was in a hospital and propably his leg is broken...well...it was "only" fractured but he can´t walk and he has to use the walking sticks for some weeks. What a nice party! You see: when you are making "Kotipelto-album", anything can happen..."