Get well soon, WD!


Multis Periculis Supersum
Aug 31, 2001
α Piscium
Visit a dentist... but that might be easier said than done. :erk:
I am absolutely horrified by the dentist, so i wish you good luck.
Get well soon.

Helmond show cancelled
We regret to inform you that we have had to cancel the Helmond show. A statement will be made shortly. Apologies for everybody who was going to see us tonight.

from the site
He'd poison guppies, and when he was done
He'd find a pussy-cat and bash in its head
That's when his mama said...
(What did she say?!)
She said my boy I think someday
You'll find a way
To make your natural tendencies pay...

You'll be a bakerrrrrrrrrrrr
Mine weren't bad at all. They yanked all four out at the same visit and sent me home with Percocet and 800mg tablets of Motrin. I was in the military, too, so our dentists were probably closer to Steve Martin in the previously referenced film. Two days later I took myself off sick leave and went back to work without a problem. I guess I was a fortunate one.

(Enter CCR song)
My experience was not so great. Had to have my jaw surgically removed around the teeth, because they were growing in sideways under the jawline, pressing forward into my other molars. Fortunately I was under the laffy and sleepy gas the entire time, but it still hurt and spewed gore for a few days. Couldn't take the hydrocodone because it caused me to vomit during the time, wtf.

Now I just have these bizarre wisdom tooth sized gaps between my last set of molars and the back of my mouth.