Get well soon!


New Metal Member
Nov 16, 2004
I was lucky enough to catch JP at Pink E's tonight. A quick review, well it was more of a fun show so the review will take that into consideration. Harry was a man and still sang even though he was ill. You could see it on him but he still sounded excellent to me. They played about 45 minutes. My one gripe is it was too short, but seeing how Harry was thats ok. I would have loved to here more of Casting as that is a paticular fav of mine. Take to the sky was just awsome and they sounded just great. Had some trouble with the last song, cant remeber what is was, but overall just a great show. The PA and sound system was less than average, kept cutting out. When it was on it sounded awesome. Boy could Chris play guitar, I just love his playing. Well its 2:50 I am off to bed, the show was great and thanks to Chris, Mark and Rikrad for signing my casting CD cover after the show, you were just too nice. Harry get well soon and hope to see Jag again sooner than later,

Jag Rocked!

Thanks for the note! I'll pass it along to Harry. He was very ill but he didn't want to disappoint anyone.

Urghh!! Tons of technical difficulties with 'King at a Price', but I still had a lot of fun at the show. It was great meeting everyone who came out. Thanks for coming to the show!

Always a ballsy move when a singer performs in the wake of illness.

You mean in an age where most people cancel a show because they stubbed their toe or broke a nail?

How about Ozzy, how many times has he toured even after all of his accidents?

Cheers to the true metal warriors! Get well soon, Tyrant
Avalanche9601 said:
You mean in an age where most people cancel a show because they stubbed their toe or broke a nail?

How about Ozzy, how many times has he toured even after all of his accidents?

Cheers to the true metal warriors! Get well soon, Tyrant
I was glad Harry did the show. He went to the doctor the day before because he couldn't even speak, and by the third song you could definitely tell his voice was going. It takes a lot to get up on stage and know that no matter how hard you try, you won't sound as good as you know you can. Not to mention he was feeling horrible, Harry really pulled this one out.
I was glad Harry did the show. He went to the doctor the day before because he couldn't even speak, and by the third song you could definitely tell his voice was going. It takes a lot to get up on stage and know that no matter how hard you try, you won't sound as good as you know you can. Not to mention he was feeling horrible, Harry really pulled this one out.

I would have given anything to be there. I'm sure that no matter how ill he was, no one in attendance would have been disapointed by the performance. They would have all been tremendously appreciative of the effort and dedication. Hell, I would have shown up if you guys were going without the Tyrant that night.

Every fan is truly thankful for the consideration you have for us. You guys are the best!