Getting a Bass tone like F.Factory?


May 20, 2010
Izmir, Turkey
Simple question..No matter what and how hard i tried, i couldnt get a satisfactory sound like that..Same sound is being used by In Flames, you know, fuzzy/buzzy/distorted-like sound, whatever you name it :P Any ideas?
Duplicate your bass tracks, use one with grit, and one for the low end. I noticed sometimes when I try to do both with one track, it just muddies up.

Guitar Rig works great for the grit!
What I've been doing recently is to send my bass DI track to a bus output (LowBass) and with the track also having a send to another buss (HighBass). The two then merge to a single general bass bus. On LowBass, I have an instance of Ampeg SVX with a solid low sound, and then highpass at 40 and lowpass at somewhere from 250-300 depending on the song. On HighBass, I have the grindy sound coming from the BA115 with some kind of overdrive sometimes. Highpass at exactly where the previous one left off and lowpass at somewhere around 2500. It's nowhere near the awesomeness of the In Flames bass sound, but it works for what I do. I play with a pick when I record bass, but it sounds good with finger players too.

Oh, and on the main bass bus, just compress and limit to fuck and back.