getting a mac book pro, looking for advice


Sep 21, 2006
hey guys

im going to buy a mac book pro to play around with some upper end recording software. im thinking of starting with logic pro

any tips / advice anyone has to share? my goal is to start transitioning into more professional software to do my job, where cubase is falling flat on being stable / offering good quality algorithms and plugin support.
Buy my copy of Logic 9? :lol:

I'd search for AdamWathan's thread about Logic... coming from a Cubase background, you may absolutely hate it.

Why not just make the big jump to PTHD?

As far as MBP's go, though, I'd go for the 15" (13" is just too small for what we do, even with an ext monitor doublescreening IMO), and the stock model is the best deal. Solid processor, 4GB RAM. Maybe go for a 7200rpm HDD upgrade, but other than that you should be fine.
Buy my copy of Logic 9? :lol:

I'd search for AdamWathan's thread about Logic... coming from a Cubase background, you may absolutely hate it.

Why not just make the big jump to PTHD?

a future goal is to definitely jump to pt soon. but as you can imagine, i will need to take small steps. there's no way to have full protools hd on a laptop tho, right?
PTHD requires the accel cards, so no go on the Laptop front. Rumor has it that they're developing versions of the 192 and 96 interfaces to run off firewire, but I'm not sure if they'll run PTHD or be just beefed up PTLE interfaces.

If small steps is the name of the game, a Lightbridge or similar interface that'll let you use your current converters/preamps but still run M-Powered or LE (will have to grab the MPTK, for sure) might be your best option.
Are you using the MBP exclusively for recording/music? You'd get more bang for your buck and a lot more versatility and I/O if you went with a Mac Pro. Obviously you'd lose the mobility of a laptop and you'd need a monitor, but you'd have a much more powerful computer with better connectivity for a bit more money. Just food for thought!

FWIW I just bought a newer MBP and it's an amazing computer, either way you'll most likely be really happy with your purchase.
a future goal is to definitely jump to pt soon. but as you can imagine, i will need to take small steps. there's no way to have full protools hd on a laptop tho, right?

there is if you get the 17" model and the magma expansion chassis with an express card adaptor
Hey Joey, I used to use Cubase 4 but it was a pain in the ass on my MBP so I did the switch and got me copy of Logic 8. It was a realy good decision for me, everything seems very "logic" on Logic if you are commin from Cubase...

But thats just my opinion.

Make sure you buy the 17" MBP because of the express card slot.
You can use the PTHD-card with it, or a UAD-laptop card.....

PT HD is a lot of cash!!!
Do you realy need all the good things about PTHD?
-Like OTB stuff
-Sending your stuff as protools projects to other people for mixing..
-Or recieving stuff as protools projects?

I would buy Logic 9 with the MBP and some m-box with protools M-powered.
So you can do all your stuff with logic and have the option to export your files and load them in Protools, or open Protools projects and send them to logic...


and enjoy OSX :)
yea get logic 9 - but prior to trying it out open up garageband (Apples native poopy DAW) and try it out - it will teach you some very basics of mac DAW's before jumping into logic
yea get logic 9 - but prior to trying it out open up garageband (Apples native poopy DAW) and try it out - it will teach you some very basics of mac DAW's before jumping into logic

Sorry, but i wouldn't recommend this at all :) Garageband is kinda crap.

my advice is to take your time and get familiar with how Logic (and OS X) works, and if you don't like it, you still have Cubase anyway.
I have a previous gen MBP 2.4ghz Core 2 Duo w/2GB RAM that I got from Apple refurb for $1300. I have no problems recording 16 tracks into Logic 9. Running Snow Leopard 10.6.2

If I were you, I would just grab a Mac Pro and use Cubase on it. That way, you get accustomed to OSX and then you can switch to PT or whatever....Seems like that would make the transition easiest. I use Cubase on both my mac with no problems whatsoever. Seems like It would make sense at least for a project or two..

I do not know much about you really, but I assume you have been using windows and not OSX....
on a serious note, if you're getting a macbook pro, why not get a cheap used 002 rack and mess around with editing in pro tools. It's not THAT hard to import WAV's into pro tools just for drum editing or whatever. That's about as small of a baby step as you can take
Sorry, but i wouldn't recommend this at all :) Garageband is kinda crap.

my advice is to take your time and get familiar with how Logic (and OS X) works, and if you don't like it, you still have Cubase anyway.

yes i know its crap (no bus tracks is the biggest bummer)- but its a good standing ground for someone who has never used a professional DAW before & who is going to swap to the Mac OS

Fuck Logic, get Pro Tools. I'm in love with PT M-Powered.

em...fuck Protools - get logic! im in love with Logic 9! :p
yes i know its crap (no bus tracks is the biggest bummer)- but its a good standing ground for someone who has never used a professional DAW before & who is going to swap to the Mac OS

em...fuck Protools - get logic! im in love with Logic 9! :p

Ummm, he has been using Nuendo and Cubase apparently.

I know what you mean about not using a MAC DAW before but it isn't that awkward of a least for most people that is:)