Getting fat.


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
The other day I noticed I'm getting fat. No warning whatsoever. It came as somewhat of a surprise one day, like, "holy fuck, Self, you're a fat fucking bastard!"

Not that I've ever been skinny, but damn. I guess it doesn't help having a hot girlfriend who keeps telling me I'm "not fat" and that she "likes the way I am". I have to tell her to quit lying, haha.

Getting a bunch of new xbox games recently isnt going to help things, either. Fuck.

Haha, i know what you are saying man!
I got really fat over a week or so.. still dont know what the fuck happened.
I weighed 84 kilos at 180 centimeters, after a week i just blew up to 95 kilos!!!!
I was more like "Holy fuck, im a fuckin' whale!". :lol:

I cut down on the beer(was semi-alcoholic.), and started to eat less(Not healthier, just less amounts of food.), and now im down at 92.
So im slowly getting thinner.. my new years promise will be to eat a bit healthier, less alcohol, snacks, candy and whatnot.

I have obesity in my family, so i really dont want to turn down that same path. ;X

But yeah, it sucks, just try to do the same as me.. eat less, drink loads of water and take a walk every day!
Works pretty good without actually working out. ;P
Welcome to the show, man! I´m fat, too :) My girlfriend likes it, but I don´t like it (although I can live with it). I think, the more i´m fat, the more i´m getting lazy. And the other way around ;) A vicious circle!
Ah I hear ya! I've been wanting to start jogging with my dog, at first just to let him get out and burn off some energy, but now it looks like I could benefit as well!

I might cut back a bit on the beer, too, but I have a little mini keg of Rogue Yellow Snow IPA to drink first! :kickass:
Welcome to the show, man! I´m fat, too :) My girlfriend likes it, but I don´t like it (although I can live with it). I think, the more i´m fat, the more i´m getting lazy. And the other way around ;) A vicious circle!

Sometimes I wish my Fiance would prefer me all in shape and shit so I would be more motivated to work out. Though I'm sure if I started working out and accidently developed rock hard washerboard abs she probably wouldn't mind it, haha. Never gonna happen though. :Smug:
I hear you guys...

I'm 1.70cm and 75 kilos... I've been up to 85 kilos, but damn, I could stop being on the computer 24/7, get a walk, eat less, eat less junk... But, you know, it's soooo cold outside and I love my sofa so much... :lol:
Shut up, buff guy. This is for fat bastards only.

You know I'm just kiddin! :danceboy:

(wheres the fat emoticon?)

You know what? This is depressing. Time for MW2! HAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!
Man, and I feel bad at 165lbs and 5'10" (75kg and 178cm)! I must have gained 10 lbs this Christmas though :D

Just gotta work out and eat better. It's really easier than everyone likes to pretend. I spend maybe 20 minutes a morning every day a week except sunday doing exercise, and I watch what I eat. It's a really small time/work investment and it pays off really quickly.
I'm the complete opposite.. about 180cm and only 60kg. Recently joined a gym to try and put on weight.. and I'm really enjoying it. Then again, I'm doing mostly weights whereas to lose weight you'd have to do a lot of cardio which is a lot harder IMO.

If you can join a gym or something, go for it.. but its probably easier if you do it with other people (or do classes). Its sooooo easy to just go 'fuck it' when you're by yourself.
I'm the complete opposite.. about 180cm and only 60kg.

You're like the rest of my band. Goddamn I hate guys who eat more than me every day but weigh like 60kg... :D

I'm a bit of a whale myself too... I'm taller than some of you, 187cm, but I'm still at about 90kg (throwing around a bit, you know, xmas and all) I guess the index says, just a tiny tad overweight... Or not even a tiny... My ex said she doesn't think I'm fat when I bitched about it to her, but indeed, she's now my ex... hmmm...

being a drummer, I've been hoping playing would help me keep my weight down, but I've noticed it's a bunch of bullshit. On the other hand, we haven't had a place to train in for like six months now.

But you know what? Many great drummers are fat, so I'm not worryin' :D
Seems like it comes with aging. I'm 6' and around 195lbs although after Christmas and all the food I wouldn't doubt if I'm pushing 200! All of my friends who I've known since I was in high school are all in the same boat as me, it happens when you just sit at a desk working all day. The pounds add on, the fast food lunches that you grab because you're swamped for time start to add up... ugh.

Last year I did the Men's Health Belly Off Challenge and it honestly worked - I dropped nearly 15 lbs in 8 weeks just from doing the exercises/workouts at home (no equipment needed) and changing what/how I ate. I had the same "hey how did I wake up fat?" moment and started in the next day. I've gained a few lbs back, but I'm still definitely thinner than I was at that point :)