Getting fat.

I'm the complete opposite.. about 180cm and only 60kg. Recently joined a gym to try and put on weight.. and I'm really enjoying it. Then again, I'm doing mostly weights whereas to lose weight you'd have to do a lot of cardio which is a lot harder IMO.

Nooo, losing fat and getting lean is all about weight lifting and nutrition. Steady state cardio is completely overrated. Running a lot is good practice for running a lot and increasing your lung capacity, that's about it. Yeah it burns calories, but weightlifting burns calories and increases metabolic response, and eating right is 95% of the battle. There's not enough time in the day to exercise off the calories a lot of people consume on horrible junk food diets.

My personal favourite resource lately for fitness/nutrition is Lots of great articles and the right philosophies about nutrition and strength training.
You're like the rest of my band. Goddamn I hate guys who eat more than me every day but weigh like 60kg... :grin

I can eat anything I want and stay thin, but.. being 60kg as a guy is not cool, and I still get all the other negative effects of shitty food as anyone else.

Nooo, losing fat and getting lean is all about weight lifting and nutrition. Steady state cardio is completely overrated. Running a lot is good practice for running a lot and increasing your lung capacity, that's about it. Yeah it burns calories, but weightlifting burns calories and increases metabolic response, and eating right is 95% of the battle. There's not enough time in the day to exercise off the calories a lot of people consume on horrible junk food diets.

My personal favourite resource lately for fitness/nutrition is Lots of great articles and the right philosophies about nutrition and strength training.

My bad.. I probably shouldn't talk about this stuff like I know it when I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about ;p Although I have heard a bit about HIIT. Its ridiculously hard though.. I tried it once (to be fair, after an hour and a half workout, and the other guys were marathoners) and had to stop halfway or I would have thrown up everywhere.

Sorry to derail the thread a bit.. but maybe in a good way :)
My bad.. I probably shouldn't talk about this stuff like I know it when I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about

You weren't wrong. Losing weight IS all about cardio. Cardio isn't just running... A fat guy can lift weights all he wants, but if he never does any cardio workouts, he's never going to be thin and lean. And if he cuts calories to lose weight, he's not going to gain muscle.

Want to be skinny = cardio
Want to be strong = lift weight
Want to be ripped = both
I'm the complete opposite.. about 180cm and only 60kg. Recently joined a gym to try and put on weight.. and I'm really enjoying it. Then again, I'm doing mostly weights whereas to lose weight you'd have to do a lot of cardio which is a lot harder IMO.

If you can join a gym or something, go for it.. but its probably easier if you do it with other people (or do classes). Its sooooo easy to just go 'fuck it' when you're by yourself.

60 Kilos? Fucccccccccckkk dude. 184cm and 67Kg here and I thought that was too skinny.
If you're skinny as one of my mates is, then you'd look pretty gross when you go shirtless:lol:
I will feel sympathy for you 'ohnoestimetoloesweight' types when shopping for clothes doesn't require visiting a dozen stores over a week in hopes that one will have pants in 30/34. 80kg at 186cm means 'No pants for you, skinny bastard, Americans need to be FAT!' and I just can't put on that much weight.

I'm with you. 6", 240lbs. I'm cool with it, though. :D

I'm 6" and 275lb (183cm and 125kg) and I hate it. I was the same height in 1998 and I weighted 150lb (68kg). The part I hate the most is that I can't find any fitting trousers. I find maybe 2 pants that fit from 18 stores in Helsinki, but there are plenty of XL sized shirts, jackets and boxers etc.
I say if you can work up to doing 100 pushups in a row, then you should be in pretty good shape!
im fat and have been for around 14 years - i've been on a diet now for around 6 weeks and im down just over 2 stone (12kg) which is ok in my books because i haven't been exercising at all. just dieting

its slow to loose it especially because im a pretty heavy smoker for around 9 years now so exercise kinda kills me (lol) and dont tell me to quit smoking yet, i need to have something if i cant have food. im generally down to 1 meal a day - just my dinner (and not a very big one at that)

i've found that because of the lack of food intake my stomach has shrank in size (inner stomach im talking about) so i don't feel the need to consume as much food. i suppose in the past i just ate until i felt my stomach was full, not until my sugar levels were full. oh and i never really ate junk food or anything, i tend to get heartburn from a lot of foods with saturated fat etc. i just ate too much good food. like extra helpings of carrots and shit. yum!

i don't want to loose weight quick, otherwise i wont look healthy etc and people will think im diseased or something

really the first 2-3 weeks were a killer but once you get into the rhythm of just eating 1 meal a day you realize you don't need much more grub then that if you have enough fat on your body. i don't feel weak or anything during the mornings or afternoons, i just feel hungry come night time - and it prob goes against all doctors recommendations but fuck it, i have enough fat on me to keep my body working while im not eating, so ill let my body eat itself until im at a weight im happy with - this so far is the only diet that has ever worked for me. listening to people saying oh just eat healthy foods and cut out snacks and shit doesn't work. it just makes me more hungry. so if you don't fill your belly your stomach will have no reason to make stomach acid and you'll stop feeling hungry after a few weeks.

thats me, it works for me, im not a doctor so don't take my advice
Fuck you all , skinny people :p
im 6'1" tall (1.86 meters) and about 374 pounds (170 kg)
i'm like 6', 220-225...not quite fat, but certainly not in shape either

good thing i just got a $200 gift card for sears from the old man, which i'm going to use to get some 50-lb. adjustable dumbbells...then i'm going to drop some of my bonus $$ from work on a bench and barbell set

i really hate doing cardio workouts, so i'm hoping that cutting down my caloric intake along with adding some muscle will raise my metabolism enough to burn some fat off my ass. if not, i'll just lift my dick off and be the really strong chubby dude.
Actually HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) works wonders on loosing body fat.

Not for me. It only helped me to stay at roughly the weight I was when I started doing those for 9 months, a few years ago.

I have lost almost 43 kg (95 lbs) of weight in total during the past 5 years, and to me the best and fastest way to lose weight was a combination of weightlifting/upper body workout and walking.

Here's how my usual week looked like (nowadays a lot more, but that's a different thing):

Monday - situps, biceps, back, pressups, chest
Tuesday - walk
Wednesday - situps, biceps, back, pressups, chest
Thursday - walk
Friday - situps, biceps, back, pressups, chest
Saturday - walk
Sunday - recovery and sauna

And the idea was volumetric training of sorts, ie. the amounts increase steadily. When I started, I did: 30 situps, 15 biceps, 30 backs, 10 pressups, 15 chests, and for walking: 4 km (2.5 miles). And then after every session, I would increase the workout amount by +2 or +1, and after every month, I would increase the walking distance by +1...2 km (0.6 - 1.2 miles) resulting in progress like this:

Monday - 30 situps, 15 biceps, 30 back, 10 pressups, 15 chest
Tuesday - 4 km walk (40 minutes)
Wednesday - 32 situps, 16 biceps, 32 back, 11 pressups, 16 chest
Thursday - 4 km walk
Friday - 34 situps, 17 biceps, 34 back, 12 pressups, 17 chest
Saturday - 4 km walk
Sunday - recovery and sauna

And the monthly progress for walking:

January - 4 km (40 min)
February - 5.5 km (50 min)
March - 6 km (60 min)
April - 8 km (70 min)
May - 10 km (75 min)

In the end, my upper body workout amounts were thus (halfway through the program, I changed my pressup technique to a more clean one, halving the reps)

Monday - 160 situps, 80 biceps, 160 back, 35 pressups, 80 chest
Tuesday - 4 km walk (40 minutes)
Wednesday - 162 situps, 81 biceps, 162 back, 36 pressups, 81 chest
Thursday - 4 km walk
Friday - 164 situps, 82 biceps, 164 back, 37 pressups, 82 chest
Saturday - 4 km walk
Sunday - recovery and sauna

Then during the summer, I got access to a gym at work, so I started doing a whole different kind of exercise routine.
I'm the complete opposite.. about 180cm and only 60kg.

Öwen;8789832 said:
Similar boat, 175cm and about 56kg.

You guys are still young. Just wait few years until you're approaching 30 and you'll be gaining weight and not even noticing it until it's too late... :erk:

I got 10 extra kilos in under a year, after staying around 74kg for ten years. It's not that bad as I'm 183cm tall, but I'm quite skinny and most of the extra kg's have gathered into one place and I now sport a nice little beer belly... Have to wear loose shirts, otherwise I look like I'm pregnant. :lol: