Getting fat.

If you're skinny as one of my mates is, then you'd look pretty gross when you go shirtless:lol:

You can see my ribs, but apart from that not too bad. Its when you put me next to someone that I look scrawny... hopefully not for too much longer. My whopping 3% body fat means that after 3 weeks at the gym I have a slight sixpack.. any muscle gains I have are immediately evident.

You guys are still young. Just wait few years until you're approaching 30 and you'll be gaining weight and not even noticing it until it's too late... :erk:

Indeed.. apparently my uncle was like me when he was young. He's now at least like 120kg.

I will feel sympathy for you 'ohnoestimetoloesweight' types when shopping for clothes doesn't require visiting a dozen stores over a week in hopes that one will have pants in 30/34. 80kg at 186cm means 'No pants for you, skinny bastard, Americans need to be FAT!' and I just can't put on that much weight.

I feel your pain.. luckily Australia isn't THIS bad, but still only a third of clothes are available in small sizes (either not made or already sold). And baggy clothes only highlight how skinny I am.

@Chryst Krispies.. I seem to remember you saying you were really skinny and have obviously buffed up a lot. If its you, mind if I PM you about it?
I'm also on the opposite end of the scale (no pun intended)

I'm about 6ft2 and about 70Kg which is supposed to be unhealthy or whatever, but i eat a shit load... at xmas dinner, my plate was stacked twice as high as everyone elses, i finished the lot, i never put weight on. One killer metabolism

I'm not bitching about how I can eat so much and not put on weight

its more the fact that i'd like to have a little more to my build... i'm tall and have broad shoulders, but my arms are ridiculously thin

for any of you looking to lose weight, try fresh Pineapple Juice or just fresh Pineapple as it speeds up your metabolism (i stay well away, mines fast enough)
You weren't wrong. Losing weight IS all about cardio. Cardio isn't just running... A fat guy can lift weights all he wants, but if he never does any cardio workouts, he's never going to be thin and lean. And if he cuts calories to lose weight, he's not going to gain muscle.

Want to be skinny = cardio
Want to be strong = lift weight
Want to be ripped = both

I have lost 30 pounds in the past year just by strength training and eating a healthier diet. My bench press has gone from 90lbs to 200lbs in that time. I have definitely built a ton of muscle in that year and lost a ton of fat, without doing a single minute of cardio. :P
I used to be absorbed into the skinny/fat bullshit but, eh... I've just turned 28 and there are more important things in life to be concerned with.
I have a physically demanding job and I eat healthy 80-90% of the time so my clothes are getting baggy but I'm not losing weight. Simply replacing fat with muscle at a steady pace.
Before I got into bodybuilding I was around 80-90kg. I gained a lot of size from that but haven't been to a gym since I moved to Australia last year and just go to work and home.
I'm 6ft 3in or about 191cm and currently 140kg (the scales here are metric) but according to google that puts me at 308 lbs.
My personal best at power lifting is 675 lb (306kg) rack dead lift x3. I trained for months to get that a couple years ago.
I, too, am a fat bastard.
You guys are still young. Just wait few years until you're approaching 30 and you'll be gaining weight and not even noticing it until it's too late... :erk:

I got 10 extra kilos in under a year, after staying around 74kg for ten years. It's not that bad as I'm 183cm tall, but I'm quite skinny and most of the extra kg's have gathered into one place and I now sport a nice little beer belly... Have to wear loose shirts, otherwise I look like I'm pregnant. :lol:

Yeah I am 1,86 and had 66kg when I was 20. Almost 20 years later I`m at 90.
It`s evenly distributed though so it doesn`t look fat (at least when I have clothes on), but my ass is a pretty massive I would say :D
Dude, that is EXTREMELY unhealthy... You're killing your metabolism like that. You want to eat at least 3 times a day, get a decent breakfast, a snack for lunch, and a solid dinner. If you get hungry, have healthy snacks like nuts or vegetables. Stop smoking and start working out.

no - im not doing that - if i start eating nuts and vegetables during the day i will become hungry, if i start to eat breakfast and lunch i will become hungry and when i get hungry nothing will stop me eating. so the only solution is to not become hungry. how? by not eating anything and sticking to my roster

i never feel weak at all. my body simply uses its fat as energy until i come to my dinner

your eating patterns and stomach acid production is something that can be trained. when i reach my ideal weight it will take around 2-3 weeks of training myself to eat breakfast and lunch again and then ill be back to normal
I'm pretty certain the body doesn't just "use" fat for sustinence that easily, as I understand it only gets broken down and used for nourishment when you've really starved yourself (rather than being burnt off with exercise/general metabolic activity) and are getting desperate
Well your body burns fat for energy all day long all the time, it actually burns the most fat (proportionally) while you're at rest. So if you burn 100 calories over the course of a couple hours at rest, more of that is fat than if you burn 100 calories doing cardio. Obviously you burn more calories per minute doing cardio than at rest, so your body burns more fat per minute as well even though the ratio is lower.
Well I'm not certain of the details, mainly I was going by an excerpt from the wikipedia article on Travis Walton (the supposed alien-abductee :D)

# Analysis of Travis’s urine revealed a lack of acetones. This was unusual, given that if Travis had indeed been gone for five days with little or no food as he insisted (and as his weight loss suggested), his body should have begun breaking down fats in order to survive, and this should have led to very high levels of acetone in his urine. Critics would argue this inconsistency is evidence against Travis's story.

Which of course implies that ordinarily we don't really break down that much fat to use strictly as nourishment, or else we'd always have a decent amount of acetones in our urine
I'm getting a bit of a whale here, too! :D 177cm and 90kg, and not exactly proud of it. Damn, I gotta try and live a bit healthier life from now on. I'm just a sucker for pizza and chips!

AMEN! BUT, Pizza & other shit = :rock:

although it makes you fat...

august I was at 86 kg and 173cm. After that I decided that ffs I want to lose the 15 kilos I got in like 2 months in 2007.

so now I'm at 73-74kg after a few months. All I did was stopped eating cheese and just trying not to eat pizza/bullshit. Skip the Gouda and übergreat Edam and blue cheese. Oh, and being a vegetarian helps also to lose weight ;)
im a skinny motherfucker and live on pizza, coca cola and cannabis in approximately that order of importance and amount consumed
Ahh stop your whining! soon enough you'll notice your old and going bald, then you won't care about being fat (like me. all three actually!)

It's not so bad, you can always do something about being fat but there's plenty of conditions you can't do anything about.