Getting Held Up Sucks.


I said no olives!
Feb 10, 2003
I work (used to work) at a family-owned petrol station. I felt fairly lucky because I never had to work the graveyard shifts because that's when all the shit happens, like armed holdups (ahh, the irony).

My job was a huge bludge. Since the place is family owned is really rundown and hardly gets any customers. Plus it's on a one-way street, so halve the customer base again. Basically I get a customer every half hour on busy days.

That seriously ruled, because I could listen to Opeth loud on the register comp, and play SNES games and shit - and get paid for it. I couldn't complain. :D

Two weeks ago (not on my shift) these three drunk dudes walked in and started breaking glass and shit. The operator at the time chased them out (getting punched in the process) and called the cops. They were arrested.

Fast forward a week to my shift. I was lazing around reading the newspaper when the same fuckwits walked in. I didn't see them till they were all inside.

"Remember us fuckhead?"

I look up, thought for a second, and realised that they must be the losers who broke the glass the week before. I told them that I didn't know who they were.

"You got us arrested, and now you're fucked."

Oh shit, I'm in for it. I continued to tell them that I didn't know who they were and not to get angry. They didn't listen, and the leader dude pulled a gun.

"Like my gun? Wanna see some bullets? Gimme the fucking money!"

Fuck I thought. Quick as I could, I gave them the entire till and they ran the fuck out. I called the cops and waited, still in shock.

The cops finally arrived and we looked over the security cam footage and they asked me questions, fairly basic stuff. I went home and tried to sleep. Didn't happen.

Long story short I quit my job. Sure miss the bludging though. :D
Yeah dude, I know how you feel.

A few months ago I held up at gunpoint in the middle of Detroit at two in the morning.

Maybe I'll tell you about it later, I have to get to school.
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woah, must be an odd experience :/ Glad you're alright though. I have no idea what i'd do in the same situation!
YaYo said:
woah, must be an odd experience :/ Glad you're alright though. I have no idea what i'd do in the same situation!

I just sorta froze. It's sorta like you're watching everything happen from someone else's perspective, like it's not happening to you, but to someone else. After it was all over I just felt numb and confused.

Hehe, the boss had the nerve to ask me if I wanted to finish my shift.
shit man.. glad to hear you're okay. A teacher of mine the other day was talking about how he used to work in a 7-11 in one of the run down hoods in the US and used to get constant trouble.. they used to keep a sawed off shotgun under the counter and once he knee-capped someone with it.