Getting into the world of PT


Sonic Incision
Jul 29, 2007
between sine waves
Till now I was working with an Emu0404 pci card, and it's ok. But now I have a laptop too, and plus my school started to use PT instead of Nuendo/Cubase, so I need me some interface to use it in PT.

Seeing that PT is like some sort of standard nowadays, I want to enter that world. In the studio that I use to record bands I use their Project Mix plus some external preamps via spdif for tracking drums/gtrs/bass/..., so number of inputs is not the issue. I just want to have an interface with Midi input/output, 1 or 2 pre's for DI tracking, and that it's reliable.

After some research I've found that mbox2 is one of the possibilities. Oh, and I would use it in win7, but XP sp2 is also ok, if I must. Just want ok drivers.

Yeah, and I would like to use in in Cubendo also, because many people around here still use that as their primary sofware.


We are talking ~300e budget here.
Not sure about using an Mbox 2 in Cubendo as it is Digidesign hardware - I don't know that it would work but maybe you can get it to. I don't have any experience with Digidesign harware as I use Pro Tools M-Powered.

If you just wanted something simple, M-Audio have the new Fast Track. It comes with Pro Tools Essential which I imagine would be compatible with the other versions (filetypes), and has a DI plus one mic input.
I use my Digidesign 003R with Cubase 5 every day. I totally love it. I have done this with Leopard (OSX), Snow Leopard (OSX), and XP/Vista. No problems with anything. I have used it like this with Cubase 4 and Cubase SX3 too

I don't want that FastTrack.:ill:

At this point mbox2 is pretty much the only solution that suits my needs, it appears. But I am concerned with that driver problem with it, when running in Cubendo. I think that ahjteam was talking about it in some threads, so I'm interested did you find some sort of solution?