Anyone with ProTools HD


Jun 10, 2009
We might be making a merger with a big studio and they are PT HD based, which i'm cool with Macs because i started out tracking in logic anyways and have a dual boot hackintosh for the studio computer. But i currently use Nuendo mostly, i have PT M-Audio 7.4 just incase i get anything that i need to use protools to open and export to nuendo, but i've never really used it for anything besides that. How hard is the transition going to be for me if the merge goes through? Like how big is the difference? I'm gonna pretty much be expected to be able to hop right in the seat. So any advice would be helpful guys! Thanks!
for the first 3 days it's a tiny bit harder than Cubendo..thenit's just as easy and after about 3 weeks it's way easier than Nuendo.
I've done the transition like 4 months back, not looking back (and I was a lightning in Cubase, seriously)
I think Pro Tools is the most intuitive DAW on the market. Once you have the program down, it will be smooth sailing from there. The Pro Tools course documents, as well as the manual are actually pretty decent and can help a lot with any questions you may have too.
i used nuendo for 2 years, was reluctant to go to PT of which i did in october last year, and same with lasse, i knew the details of nuendo, took a bit for the transition, now i couldnt imagine not using PT, my workflow has sped up dramatically, allowing more time for mix downs etc
Yeah... I started on PT, learned Nuendo later on. PT has some flaws but they pale in comparison to the genius of its workflow.
I was 8 years in Cubase! Switched to PT a week ago and I'm realy amazed with it and I will never go to cubendo any more, it is a nightmare! )) PT is a very logical and comfortable daw with realy genius workflow.