protools hd / mac must haves

One advantage of printing the tracks is that if you want different mixes, like an instrumental mix, without guitars, can just assign your tracks to multiple outputs using ctrl (or command, im not sure) and click on the output in the mixer, and print your different mixes at the same time.
or if you like to have a bad ass sound when you delete files...


Flip 4 Mac

StuffIt Expander

Pro Tools Plugin Manager

Pro Tools Prefs and Database Helper

Definitely check out Massey plugins since you are doing the PT thing.
Digi actually recommends printing mixes internally and exporting the file from your region bin.

That's what I said I preferred (recording to disk = printing to a stereo track within the session).

I'm fairly sure they recommend this because of the possibility of the bounce mishandling any automation.

I just wanted to point out that RTD and BTD null because people tend to argue about which sounds better when it can be proven that there is no difference.
plug in wise...
other than whatever comes with it, i heartily reccomend ...

Mcdsp Analog channel
Waves CLA
Mh ChannelStrip
Tlspace if you don't already get it.
Massey stuff is great for cheap.

If you need PT help of any kind, dont hesitate to hit me up.