Mac Pro internal HD upgrade help

Charlie E.

Jan 2, 2002
Miami, FL
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Hey guys I have 2 HD's on my Mac Pro. I use one for all my programs, music, and pics and stuff and the other to record my projects.
I'm thinking of getting a third HD for additional projects and backup but when I go on the apple store all I see are HORRIBLE reviews on them. Mainly about how noisy they are. I haven't noticed much noise with the drives I currently have (Hitachi) and I assume the ones in the store are the same right? In fact the only noise I ever hear is from my DVD drive (is this even normal? It's pretty loud sometimes)
I thought of perhaps getting an external Glyph instead but I would prefer an internal. Especially since they won't take any space in the surrounding areas and I assume they would be slightly more reliable for tracking right? Especially considering my interface is already firewire. I could always get the Glyph down the road for additional backup.
Anyone care to share their thoughts? Anyone bought any internal HD's from the apple store or somewhere else and had no problems?
Why do you have to buy HD from the Apple store? They are fuckin' overpriced and they are normal HD's at 100%.
Go on the cheaper store/online store and buy a Western Digital/Seagate/Maxtor and be happy with it.
Generic 1Tb HD for Mac pro on Apple store: 300€
Western Digital 1.5Tb SAta 2: 130€

And also if you buy an expensive one is way cheaper than the one in the Apple store.
I have added 3 Seagate drives to mine. No issues and probably got all 3 for under the price of 1 apple drive.
Newegg yes, as mentioned pick a drive a check the reviews.
Yeah man as stated above don't ever buy hardware upgrades from Apple. You can get a 3TB seagate drive for less than the price of Apple's 1TB. Hard drive installation on the Mac Pro is a breeze, open it up, pull out an empty bay, attach HD, and put the bay back in.

It is normal that your superdrive is noisy though; mine was too. Couldn't ever figure out a way to make it go away.
Superdrives are inherently noisy because they're fairly thin, especially the laptop models. As everyone else has already said, you can find HDDs for way cheaper than apple sells them, and putting a new disk into a Mac Pro is too easy. Newegg, tigerdirect, etc.
Thanks for the replies. It's a little disheartening to see that the reviews on newegg aren't that much better than the mac store. I guess there is always a chance you get a bad drive no matter where you purchase it from.
I'll likely go with the Seagate from Newegg and see if I am lucky.