getting started?


the dead will arise >:D
Feb 7, 2011
Hey guys, please forgive me for what's probably an often repeated thread, but I can't help being new (:
Anywho, I wanted to ask for I guess an introduction to metal. I started listening to it when this crazy funny guy told me about his favorite bands, which consisted of Slayer, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Katatonia, Rage Against the Machine, 30 Seconds to Mars and Slipknot. I honestly don't think RATM and 30STM are metal, though the others probably are. So I love all those bands and love listening to their music. I've also started listening to Asking Alexandria and Pendulum, which have techno stuff in there, but that's beside the point. What I'm trying to say is, could you recommend me some bands to listen to (based on the ones I've listed) and give me information about differentiating between the different types of metal music? Thanks :D

btw please try not to overwhelm me with a list of like thirty different bands, I just want two or three more to start with (:
Well, because you listen to Iron Maiden you should listen to Judas Priest. I'd suggest Megadeth based on the fact you listen to Metallica and Slayer. And for a bit of diversity check out Manowar. Hope those suggestions will help.

Traditional: Before NWOBHM, no real musical style. Bands that started around 70's normally fit into this genre.
NWOBHM: New Wave of British Heavy Metal, but now they're old. No real musical requirements to be in this genre IIRC.
Power: In a way it's happy metal. High pitched vocals, big chorus' and dragons are all included at some point.
Prog: Musical wizardry and virtuostic wankery are two defining characteristics.
Thrash Metal: Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax, are the big 4 of thrash metal. Thrash is normally divided up by area to e.g. Bay Area, Teutonic, etc.
Groove: Fairly similar to thrash, but it uses hardcore punk vocals.
Death Metal: Growly vocals, sort of a more extreme version of thrash. It's a wall of sound, really.
Black Metal: Raspy vocals, uses double blast beat drumming or some other such thing. Lyrical themes can be a wide variety of things but normally are Satanic.
when i first started listening to metal it was all metallica , then my friend got me into power metal bands such as Hibria and Iron maiden

i definetly reccommend

Iron maiden

in no order
